Guide: Install Arch Linux on VirtualBox – Guide

Arch Linux is a Linux-based operating system designed for x86_64 and i689 computers. It uses the exclusive package manager “pacman” to provide updates to the latest software applications, including full tracking. Pacman is the package manager used to install, update and remove software packages, which is fully developed for free and open source software. It is supported by the Linux community. ..

Arch Linux is a Linux operating system that is based on binary packages intended for i832, 64-bit and 32-bit systems. This operating system is optimized for best performance on modern hardware systems.

Install arch linux on VirtualBox

I am satisfied with the default keyboard and internet, so I don’t bother configuring them.

To start the system clock using NTP, set the “true” flag in timedatectl. ..

Listing the block devices with lsblk, you will see sda with size XXG and enter the disk listed as well as sr0 where the ISO is. Our goal here is to make sda bootable, but at this point it’s just an unmounted and unformatted block, which is pretty useless. So let’s configure an sda partition using parted:

To create a new MBR partition on your hard drive, type: parted /dev/sda mklabel msdos This will create a new partition with the label “msdos.” ..

Then I run mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%, set 1 boot and exit to create a partition for my operating system.

Format the partition on ext4 with mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 and mount it with mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

I’m constantly swapping mirrors, Looking in all directions. I’m trying to see myself, But I can’t seem to focus.

To install the base packages on your new Arch Linux installation, use the following command: pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel. If this is your first time using Pacman, rejoice that it will be the main reason you love Arch Linux! You will see some confirmation screens, just keep pressing Enter until the download starts (this may take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection.) A quick note on Linux issues ending in [Y/n], these are generally pretty safe questions, so you don’t actually need to type S and can just press enter. More discussion about it here, for example. ..

genfstab -U / mnt> / mnt / etc/fstab

root=/dev/sda3 ro noauto rw defaults 0 0

To set your locale, type the following in a terminal: vi /etc/locale.gen and delete the leading #. Then type: wq This will save your locale and close the file. ..

To find your timezone and set it as your default, use the following command: tzselect -l ln -s / usr / share / zoneinfo / Zone / SubZone / etc / localtime Zone / SubZone

Do not install microcode updates as this can cause problems with your virtual machine.

To install the GRUB package, use the pacman command: pacman -S grub os-prober ..

  1. Choose a hostname for your machine on the network. I choose “exultantcarpenter” and put this name in a file like this: echo “exultantcarpenter” > /etc/hostname.
  2. Add this hostname to /etc/hosts by adding it as an option next to localhost (the line should look like localhost.localdomain localhost exultantcarpenter, all separated by tabs). ..

To ensure your machine will be able to connect to the Internet when it boots in the future, run the two commands below. First, ls /sys/class/net to see what network interfaces are available and identify enp0s8 as one of them. Next, systemctl enable dhcpcd@enp0s8.service to make sure the DHCP service is running on that interface. ..

Almost there! Then we set a password, unmount and reboot! Set a password with passwd, exit chroot with exit, unmount with umount -R / mnt and restart with shutdown. Once the machine is disconnected from the virtual machine, go back to VirtualBox, select the machine and remove the drive (Settings > Storage > Storage Tree, select the ISO and click the minus sign to remove)

You can restart your computer by clicking the start button and selecting “restart” from the menu. ..

Final note

This guide will show you how to install Arch Linux on VirtualBox. If you have any questions about the installation process, or if you just want to chat, feel free to ask us in the comments below. You can also share this guide with your friends by using the buttons below. ..