How to use YouTube for Small Business – Guide

YouTube is a global phenomenon that allows people to view and share video content on the go. It is the second most popular website in the world, after Google, and a great way for businesses to reach new customers, increase web traffic and improve brand awareness. YouTube continues to grow rapidly, with more and more people choosing non-traditional entertainment platforms that quickly and easily deliver the video content they want to watch, whenever and wherever they want. ..

Use YouTube to market a small business

Use YouTube as a way to personally connect with customers

There is a very old maxim in the sales game: “You really only sell yourself”. In other words, consumers and businesses want to buy from people they know and trust. YouTube gives you an exceptional way to show yourself and make your audience feel like they know you. Post a video or videos on YouTube to introduce yourself, talk about your qualifications and why you are in the business. ..

When you sell your products, it’s important to put your customers at ease and show them that you really care about helping them solve their problems or meet their specific needs. You also want to make sure that they feel like you care about their experience with your products. Keep it short – no more than a minute or two. Remember, your goal is to quickly get the customer to make a positive impression of you and your business. You don’t want to bore them with an overabundance of details.

Use YouTube to showcase the best of your products features

Your customers will appreciate your products if you can show them how easy they are to use, reliable and high quality they are. Upload several different videos of customers using your products in action, which will make them think about how they can use the product to meet their individual needs. Doing so turns abstract benefits into viable real-world solutions in their minds.

When filming, be sure to use high quality camera equipment. If you don’t have it, use your smartphone camera or a good point and shoot digital camera. For best results, record your videos with high quality audio so that people can understand what you are saying. Edit the videos so that they contain only essential information. When recording, be sure to speak clearly and pretend you are talking to a customer. Make your demo videos three minutes or less in length. If you can’t show all features in three minutes, use multiple videos to demonstrate the product.

Use YouTube as a platform to prove your own experience

Your customers and prospects are looking for the best product or service they can afford to satisfy their needs. They want the products or services, the company and the people representing the company to be the best in their field. Bragging about the experience is not enough. The way to let your personal or business experience shine is to post informative videos containing tips and tips, results of studies you’ve conducted, case histories that describe the solutions you’ve provided, and other materials that demonstrate your experience and make you credible to the public. If you are camera-shy or don’t have anyone who can make a good video of you talking to the camera create and narrate a short PowerPoint presentation.

Use YouTube as a medium to feature customer testimonials

It’s one thing for your customers to see you talking about your product and showing the world how it works. It’s quite another if 10 people sing your praises. Customers identify with other customers, so if you have a few customers who praise your business, don’t be afraid to get their permission and record videos of them talking about their experiences. Whether the customer was particularly satisfied with you, your products, or both, your message will be a powerful voice for your business.

To encourage clients to provide these video testimonials, don’t try to take them to your office or a recording studio. If you’re talking to someone in person, simply ask if you can record their comments, then grab your smartphone and start recording. The videos will look more real than they would if they were shot in a formal setting and thus gain more interest from viewers.

Upload instructional videos that show you step by step how to use your product for different tasks. This makes sense from a marketing point of view, as buyers often want to know what the use of a product or service is before they buy it. Other potential customers may want available videos because they would rather watch videos than read a manual.

According to a recent study, the ideal length for instructional videos is 6 minutes or less. On the one hand, it is about the composition of the product - if assembly is necessary. On the other hand, it is about operation and/or safety tips. On the other hand, it is about special features or accessories. If you are demonstrating a software application, your videos may show how to start and how to use each feature of the software. The how-to videos you post go hand in hand with your testimonials, other personal customer messages, and “in action” videos so your customers can get a complete picture of you and your products. ..

As a medium for real-time marketing

Live video events are a great way to connect with your audience and create a more personal experience. You can do this on a budget by scheduling a YouTube live stream. Use the event to launch a new product, host a webinar, answer customer questions, interview experts on topics in your field, or host a workshop. Your event will be streamed live on YouTube and can be added to your YouTube channel. ..

Final note

YouTube is a great way to connect with your customers and promote your small business. This guide will show you how to use YouTube for small business purposes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us. Also, please share this article with your friends so they can learn more about YouTube and how it can be used for their businesses.