How to Update Arch Linux – Guide
Arch Linux is a distribution designed for computers with x86-64 processors. It follows the KISS (“Keep It Simple, Stupid”) principle. The design tries to have minimal distribution-specific changes and therefore minimal breakage with updates, as well as being practical with regards to conceptual design choices and focusing on customization rather than ease of use.
Pacman is a package manager specifically for Arch Linux, which is used to install, remove and update software packages. Arch Linux uses a rolling release model, which means there are no “major releases” of completely new versions of the system; A regular system update is required to get the latest Arch software; The installation images released each month by the Arch team are just up-to-date snapshots of major system components. ..
- pacman -Syu
- sudo pacman -S –needed base-devel
- sudo pacman -S –needed linux-headers
- sudo pacman -S –needed linux-image
- sudo systemctl restart systemd
- sudo systemctl enable systemd ..
How to Update Arch Linux
search for update
Check to see if there have been any updates to the packages you’ve recently installed. If so, you may need to manually intervene after the upgrade. ..
update repositories
This will update the package databases for each of the repositories on your system.
Update PGP keys
Update the local database of PGP keys used by package maintainers. This step is optional, but it can prevent later problems with the upgrade if the database has not been upgraded for a while. ..
update the system
Update all system packages. Be sure to note the updated packages and any output that requires your attention during the update process.
Reboot the system
Final note
How to Update Arch Linux In this guide, we will show you how to update Arch Linux. First, we will take a look at the steps needed to install Arch Linux. After that, we will take a look at the steps needed to update Arch Linux. Finally, we will give you some tips on how to improve your Arch Linux experience.
- Install Arch Linux First, you need to install Arch Linux. To do this, you can use the following command:
- Install the required software Next, you need to install the required software for updating ArchLinux. To do this, you can use the following command:3) Update ArchLinux Now that you have installed the required software and updated ArchLinux, it is time to update it. To do this, you can use the following command:4) UpdateArchLinux
$ sudo pacman –sync –refresh –sysupgrade