How to Unmute/Mute Par­tic­i­pants in Microsoft Teams – Guide

Microsoft Teams and Zoom are two of the most popular video calling tools on the market. While both are easy to use and attractive, Microsoft Teams has a lot going for it. For example, it is professional and efficient. However, when it comes to basic tasks, there are probably some better options available.

If you’re looking for a way to manage your team and keep them organized, Microsoft Teams is a great option. However, if you only have one team and need help silencing or reactivating them, then you should look beyond the service and find some of the more specialized tools that Team offers. For example, Team has a guide on how to silence or reactivate team members in the app.

Below are steps to turn participant sound on and off in Microsoft Teams

Mute / unmute participants or yourself

To mute and mute participants in a meeting, open the participant panel by clicking on the top left corner button in the meeting window.

With the participant’s panel open, right-click on the desired participant and select unmute.

To turn your microphone on and off, click the microphone icon at the bottom of the meeting window.

Mute / unmute all participants

Mute all participants.

To unmute all participants, click on the Yes button.

The participants will then be “muted” and have full control over the audio.

Final note

Microsoft Teams is a great way to manage communication in a team. However, if you have any query or issue with the app, you may ask us. Additionally, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.