How to Turn-on Automatic Dark and Light Mode on Windows 10 – Guide

Windows 10 offers a variety of customization options, including two color modes. The “light” color mode is used for applications and desktop elements, while the “dark” color mode is better suited for low-light environments.

Windows 10 allows users to change the color mode on their devices, but there is no option to have the color mode change depending on the time of day. ..

To automatically switch between light and dark mode on your device, you can use Task Scheduler and some simple PowerShell commands. To do this, you need to set the registry key to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ScheduleService” and change the value to “EnableLightModeAtDay” or “EnableDarkModeAtNight”.

How to Enable Automatic Dark and Light Mode in Windows 10

How to Automatically enable dark mode at night

In the Task Scheduler window, click the Create Basic Task button. Type a name for your task in the Name text box, and then click the OK button. In the Task Scheduler window, under Triggers, click the Add button. In the Add Trigger dialog box, type a name for your task in the Name text box, and then click the OK button. Under Actions, click the Add button. In the Add Action dialog box, type a name for your task in the Name text box, and then click the OK button. Under Conditions, select When Enabled from the list of options and then enter a value in minutes into minutes_to_enable field. Click on OK to add this condition to your task. Under Actions, select Start from the list of options and then enter a start time in hours:minutes:seconds into hours:minutes:seconds field. Click on OK to add this action to your task. Under Conditions, select When Completed from the list of options and then enter a completion time in hours:minutes:seconds into hours:minutes:seconds field. Click on OK to add this condition to your task. ..

In the Create Basic Task window, type a task name and click OK. In the Task Properties window, type a description of the task and click OK. ..

Next, you’ll be asked to choose a name for the task. You can choose a name that’s unique to your computer or that you use frequently, but make sure it’s easy to remember and doesn’t contain any special characters. After choosing a name, you’ll be asked to enter a description of the task. This should be short and easy to remember, so it can be used in future tasks. For example, if you’re creating a new document, you might say “Create a new document with Dark Mode.”

For Daily tasks, select “Daily” and click Next.

To activate Dark Mode on your laptop, leave the start date as is and fill in the time you want Dark Mode to be activated. Sync across time zones will be checked automatically. ..

For the program, select Start a program and click Next.

In the Reg. field type HKCUSoftwareWindowsCurrentVersionThemesPersonalize. In the Add arguments field, copy and paste the following and click Next: add HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionThemesPersonalize /v AppsUseLightTheme /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

How to Automatically disable dark mode during the day

To switch between Light and Dark Mode at any time, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new task in Step 5.
  2. Select the time of day you want to activate Light Mode.
  3. Click Finish. ..

In Step 7, in the Program/Script field type Reg. In the Add arguments field, copy and paste the following and click Next: add HKCUSoftwareWindowsCurrentVersionThemesPersonalize /v AppsUseLightTheme /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Final note

How to Turn-on Automatic Dark and Light Mode on Windows 10 If you have Windows 10, then you can easily turn on automatic dark and light mode. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Start Menu and type “cmd” into the search bar.
  2. When the cmd prompt is displayed, type “netstat -an” to view active network connections.
  3. If there are any active network connections, then you’ll see a list of them in the netstat output. The active network connection for this example is “192.168.1.” The next step is to find the computer that has automatic dark and light mode enabled on it. To do this, type “netstat -a” into the cmd prompt and press return after getting the results. You’ll now see a list of all active computers in your network with automatic dark and light mode enabled (in this case, “192.168.”). The next step is to find the computer that has your computer’s name as an argument in its command line (in this case, “auto_dark_mode”). To do this, type “netstat -a | grep ‘auto_dark_mode’” into the cmd prompt and press return after getting the results. You’ll now see a list of all active computers in your network with automatic dark and light mode enabled (in this case, “auto_dark_mode”). Finally, you need to change your computer’s name to one that matches one of those active machines in your network (in this example, “auto_dark_mode”). Type “netstat -a | grep ‘auto_dark_mode’” into the cmd prompt and press return after getting the results to change your computer’s name to match one of those machines in your network (in this example, “auto_dark_mode”).