How to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music – Guide

SongShift is a great tool for users who want to easily transfer playlists and songs between Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming services. It’s very easy to switch between services when using SongShift, which can be a big help if users need to switch their entire music library and start all over again. ..

Apple Music has become very popular music streaming service. Using Dolby Atmos media along with lossless audio, the service provides users with high quality audio. Spotify has very cool features and has been triggering lossless audio for some time now. Although it is in the works, it is not yet available. For some users, this could be a reason to move away from Spotify and consider moving into the arms of Apple Music.

How to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music on iOS

SongShift is a music streaming app that lets you transfer your music from one device to another. The free version lets you transfer one playlist at a time, while the upgrade to SongShift Pro ($4.99 / £4.99 per month) lets you transfer multiple playlists at once. ..

To use SongShift, you will need to sync your Apple Music and Spotify accounts.

Tap Apple Music at the top of the list, then tap ‘Continue’ followed by ‘Connect’. Tap ‘OK’ to allow SongShift to access your Apple Music library. Under ‘Connect Cloud Library’, tap ‘Connect’. This will open the iTunes website in a browser.

Apple Music is now synced and you will be returned to the list of services available in SongShift.

Scroll down to Spotify and tap on it. Enter your Spotify account credentials and tap ‘Log In’.

I agree to the terms and conditions.

Spotify is now back in sync and you will be returned to the list of available apps. This time, tap ‘Continue’ at the top. ..

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If you’ve never used SongShift before, you can watch a small tutorial, but it’s not necessary. Just tap ‘Dismiss’ to end the video.

To transfer music from Spotify to your iPhone or iPad:

  1. Tap ‘Set Source’, tap the Spotify icon and click ‘Continue’.
  2. Note that ‘Playlist’ will be highlighted by default, but you can also use this method to transfer individual albums and songs.
  3. To transfer a playlist, select it and press the ‘Copy’ button.
  4. To transfer an album or song, select it and press the ‘Paste’ button. ..

To transfer a Spotify playlist to your iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open Spotify on your computer and sign in.
  2. In the left column, select the playlist you want to transfer. If you’re using SongShift Pro, you can choose to add multiple playlists here; in the free version, this option is grayed out.
  3. Tap ‘Done’ in the top right corner.
  4. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Music app and tap ‘Playlists’ at the bottom of the screen. Tap ‘Transfer Playlist’ and enter the password for your computer (if necessary). If everything goes according to plan, your playlist will start playing on your device! ..

Apple Music should automatically be selected as the destination when SongShift is launched. Tap ‘Done’ and wait for processing to complete.

When ‘Processing’ changes to ‘Ready for Review’, tap the playlist. Here you can review any failed matches — in other words, Spotify songs that didn’t have an identical version of Apple Music. If you want, you can tap ‘Re-match’ and manually search for the song in Apple’s music library, or you can simply tap ‘Ignore’, which will leave it out of the playlist.

After reviewing matches, tap “Confirm Matches” and wait for the process to complete. On the next screen, after “Processed Results” is checked, tap “Continue.” ..

Although SongShift doesn’t make it very clear, that’s all you can do – you’ve transferred your playlist from Spotify to Apple Music and you can now find it in the Library section of the latter.

How to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music on Android

Soundiiz is a music player that you can use to listen to your music offline. It’s free, although you’ll need to create an account.

To subscribe, tap ‘Subscribe’ up’ or choose to sign in using your Google, Facebook, Apple or Twitter account. ..

To start syncing Spotify, tap ‘Connect’.

If you don’t have an Spotify account, sign in below. Once you’ve signed in, tap ‘Account’ on the left and select ‘My Account’. In the ‘Account Details’ section, enter your name and email address. In the ‘Password’ field, enter your password. Click on the ‘Create a new password’ button to create a new password. You’ll now be able to access your Spotify account from this page.

To continue using the app, you must agree to the terms and conditions. ..

Spotify is now connected to Apple Music, so you can find it in the music apps list and tap ‘Connect’. Tap ‘Join Apple Music’ to join. ..

This will open the Soundiiz website in a browser instead of iTunes, but enter your Soundiiz credentials just the same.

To join Apple Music, open the Apple Music app and tap Join. ..

If you have an Apple Music account, enter your credentials and tap ‘Allow’. ..

To disconnect Apple Music from your iPhone, go to the Soundiiz app and tap the ‘X’ in the top right. ..

To transfer a Spotify playlist to Apple Music:

  1. Open the Spotify app and sign in.
  2. Select the playlist you want to transfer and tap ‘Convert’.

The playlist on Apple Music is called “New Music” and it contains new music that you’ve added to your account. To save the configuration, tap ‘Save configuration’.

To remove a song from the playlist before transferring it, tap the song to deselect it. Otherwise, tap ‘Confirm’. ..

To select Apple Music as your destination, open the Apple Music app and wait for the conversion process to complete. Once it’s done, tap on ‘Show’ to see the list of available destinations.

You will see the playlist you transferred, which can now be found in Apple Music. You’re listening to your favorite songs!

Final note

How to Transfer Spotify Playlists to Apple Music If you’re a music lover, then you know that transferring your playlists to Apple Music is a must-do. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your account and click on the “Account” tab.
  2. Scroll down and click on the “Music” tab.
  3. Click on the “Playlists” button under the “Library” heading.
  4. Drag and drop any of your Spotify playlists into the “Music Library” section of Apple Music.
  5. Click on the “Create playlist” button and name your new playlist something catchy like “Apple Music Mix”. Now, you’re ready to rock!