How to Switch Microsoft User Account in Win­dows 10 – Guide

If you want to switch your Windows account, it’s best to do it from the account settings on your computer. This is where you’ll find the option to switch your Windows account. With your Microsoft account, you can manage all of your subscriptions and services from one account.

Steps for Changing User Accounts on Windows 10

If you are a desktop user, right-click on the Start button and choose Control Panel from the menu.

In the Control Panel User Accounts category, you will find a list of accounts that you can use to manage your computer.

You can change the settings of other account holders on your computer by clicking the Manage Accounts link and then clicking the Manage Another Account link. This window will appear, listing all accounts on your computer. You can then change the settings of these other account holders by clicking on their names and selecting from the options that appear. ..

  1. Click on the account you want to change.
  2. Change Account Name: This is your chance to correct a misspelled name on an account. Or feel free to listen to jazz up your own account name by changing Jane to Crystal Powers.
  3. Create/change a password: Each account must have a password to keep out other users. This is your chance to add one or change the existing one.
  4. Define Up Microsoft Family: An Easter egg for parents, Microsoft Family lets you choose the times the account holder can access the PC, as well as limit the programs and games the account holder can play.
  5. Change the type Account: Click here to promote a High Moral Standard User to an admin account or demote a naughty admin to standard. – Delete account: Don’t choose this option hastily, because deleting someone’s account also deletes all their files. If you choose, also choose the subsequent option that appears, Keep Files. This option places all of that person’s files in a folder on your desktop for protection. ..

When finished, close the window by clicking the red X in the upper right corner. All changes made to a user’s account take place immediately.

Final note

If you are a Microsoft Windows user and have been using the same user account for years, you may be wondering how to switch it to a new one. This guide will show you how to do it in Windows 10. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.