How to Manage Split View on Mac – Guide

If you want to split screen on a Mac with a macOS Yosemite or lower, open the System Preferences and select Arrange windows on left of screen.

Your window management in the latest macOS Monterey is exactly the same – just go to split screen using green full screen button in the top left corner of your window and add another window to the left of your open windows. Monterey has an extra feature to keep your menu bar on screen in full screen mode, which means you still see it with two windows split in split view. Here’s everything you need to know about setup.

Enter split view

If you are using macOS Catalina or later, you can use the following command to start a Terminal window: defaults write “”

When you hover the pointer over the full screen button, a menu will appear. From this menu, you can choose to have the window fill your screen, or keep it in a smaller window. Click and hold the button to keep the window in a smaller size. ..

Tile windows are a common feature on modern computers. They let you have multiple windows on one screen, and they’re especially useful for displaying information that’s spread out over several screens.

To use the two windows side by side, click on a window on the other side of the screen. ..

If you are using macOS Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra or El Capitan:

If you have a web browser, you can use the “full screen” button in the upper left corner of the window to have a more immersive experience.

You can drag the window to the left or right side of the screen by holding down the button.

Click on the button on the left side of the screen to start using the two windows side by side.

If you are unable to enter Split View mode

If Split View doesn’t work, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click Mission Control, and make sure “Displays have separate spaces” is selected.

Work in split view

Split View lets you use both apps side by side without the distraction of other apps. This is great for when you need to take a quick look at something but don’t want to lose track of one app.

To work with a window, click anywhere in it. ..

The menu bar is a list of options that you can access by moving the pointer to the top of the screen.

You can swap the positions of windows on your computer by dragging one to the other side. ..

Adjust the width of the windows by dragging the vertical line between the windows.

Mission Control lets you switch to other apps or your desktop with a simple swipe or a Multi-Touch gesture. ..

Final note

How to manage split view on mac splitscreen windows are a great way to have two windows side by side, but they can also be used for other tasks, like working on two different files at the same time. Split view is a feature of macOS that lets you use two windows as if they were one. When you use split view, the leftmost window will be your main window and the rightmost window will be your secondary window. To use split view, open up Finder and click on the three lines in the top left corner of your screen. This will show you a list of all your applications. If you’re using an Apple Watch, it will also show notifications for any changes to your apps in the background. If you’re not using an Apple Watch, just drag and drop one or more applications from this list into the bottom left corner of your mainwindow and then press Command-Option-V (or Control-Option-V if you’re using a Macbook). Now that you’ve added some applications to split view, it’s time to set up how each window works. In our example we’ll set up a mainwindow with three tabs: one for work, one for home movies, and one for music. The first tab will be our work tab and the second tab will be our home movie tab. The third tab will be our music tab. The first thing we need to do is create a new file called “configuration” in ~/Library/Preferences/computermacosx/System Preferences/Split View/ . This file contains information about how split view works and how each window works together. In this file we’ll set up how our mainwindow works: 1) We’ll set up splitscreen mode so that both windows are in their own pane: 2) We’ll set up autofocus so that both