How to share apps with Android’s Nearby Share – Guide
The Nearby Share feature on the latest Google Play Store version allows Android users to share apps with other nearby devices quickly and easily. This includes apps that are installed on your device, as well as those that you have downloaded from the Google Play Store. You can also share apps with your friends and family using Nearby Share.
Google has recently added Next Share, a Bluetooth service that makes sharing files and other information with nearby Android devices easy. ..
The Google Play Store has just been updated to include a new sharing feature that allows users to share apps with others nearby. This can be a great way to get the user’s app without having to search through the store.
It is important to note that not all apps can be shared in this way. Apps that you paid for or uploaded in parallel, for example, cannot be deleted.
How does this cool new feature work? ..
what will you need
To use Proximity Share for apps, you need to have the latest version of the Google Play Store installed. On my Google Pixel 5, this is version 24.0.32-21. To find out your version, open the Google Play Store app on your device, tap the hamburger menu in the top left corner, scroll down and tap Settings, then scroll down to the bottom of the window to find Information about the Play Store version. ..
To send a message through Proximity Share, both sender and recipient must have the latest version of Google Play installed and must also have Proximity Share activated. ..
How to enable Proximity Share
To activate Proximity Share, open the Settings app on your Android device. Scroll down and tap the Google entry. From the screen, tap Device Connections, then tap Nearby Share, and make sure the On/Off slider is set to On.
To share an app, you first need to enable Next Share.
How to share apps via Nearby Share
Open the Google Play Store on the sending device. Tap the hamburger menu directly to the left of the search bar and tap My apps & games. On the Share tab, tap on Games. At the top of this window you will see a New Game button. Open the Google Play Store on your sending device and find a game you want to share with your recipient. Tap on it to open its details page. Under “Share this game with,” tap on the Hamburger menu and then tap My apps & games. On this page, under “Share options,” tap on the New Game button. ..
In the Share tab, tap the Submit button.
Scroll through the list of installed applications and select the application you want to send via Proximity Share.
Once you’ve chosen a device to send an application to, tap the green submit button. The button in the upper right corner (green arrow pointing to the right). A list of available devices will appear. Select the receiving device and wait for the receiver to accept the incoming application. If there are any problems with the codes, don’t accept and try again later.
The receiver then taps Install and the application will install.
Next Share is a great way to make it easy for others to install apps on their devices. It takes some of the guesswork out of the picture, and is especially helpful when trying to get a friend or colleague to install an app that isn’t easy to find on the Google Play Store. ..
Android devices are now easier to share data with others by using the proximity feature of the phone. This makes it possible to share various types of data on the device, such as photos, videos, and music.
Final note
This guide will show you how to share apps with Android’s Nearby Share. If you have any questions about this article, please ask us. Additionally, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.