1. Choose the right Minecraft server software There are a few different types of Minecraft servers, but the most popular is the Classic server. This type of server runs on Windows and MacOS. It has a lot of features, such as support for mods and achievements. However, it can be a bit difficult to set up. So if you want to create a Classic server, we recommend using one of the following programs: Minecraft Forge or Minecraft Server Launcher.
  2. Choose your hosting service If you want to run your own Minecraft server on your own computer, you’ll need to choose a hosting service. There are many different services available, but we recommend using one that offers great customer service and is reliable. We recommend HostGator or CloudFlare.

Steps to set up Minecraft Java server on PC

To play on the server, you will need to install the minecraft_server.1.XX.X.jar file. The X’s will be the current version number. ..

After you have downloaded Minecraft Server, make a folder on your desktop to keep all your server files in. You can name it “Minecraft Server”.

Drag the .jar file into the Minecraft Server folder. ..

Windows Explorer: Navigate to the Windows Explorer and change the given directory to the location of the server’s folder on your desktop.

To start the Minecraft server on your computer, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the directory where you saved the server. For example, if you saved the server in C:\UsersAdminDesktopMinecraft Server, Windows Explorer would look like this: C:\UsersAdminDesktopMinecraft Server ..

To run a Java application, open the PC’s command prompt and type in “java -jar “name of your jar”.jar”. ..

At this moment, you might encounter an error that says, “Failed to load properties.” However, you don’t need to worry, as rerunning the command will fix this error.

Copy the following text into the text editor: eula.txt Welcome to our online store! We hope you enjoy your shopping experience. Thank you for choosing our store.

Save the file as eula.txt and change the value of the “eula” field to “eula=true”.

Query.ports can be used to find out what port to forward for a server in order for it to be operational. ..

To set the server’s game mode, use the “Game Mode” setting.

The Spean-protection setting can be tweaked to improve the security of your device. By changing this setting, you can make sure that your device is less likely to be stolen or damaged.

Nether is a dimension that exists in the game Minecraft. Players can access Nether by modifying the “Allow Nether” setting in their game settings. ..

Next, set the difficulty that the server will operate on, keeping in mind the amount and type of players who will be participating in the server’s activities.

Next, we have the “PVP” setting, which will determine whether players are allowed to deal damage to each other through various means or not. This setting is important because it determines how much damage players can deal to each other and how often they can do so.

Setting the “Max-players” setting to a high number will allow for more players to join the server, but may cause lag and other performance issues. Players should consider the amount of RAM they are allocating towards the server when setting this value. ..

The server’s seed is the second most important part of it. It will be the world that every player who joins the server will play on. ..

The “Motd” setting determines the message that will be displayed to players when they add the server’s IP address to their server list.

Final Words

Minecraft servers are needed to play the game with friends. Minecraft servers enable users to connect to a single main computer that would house the gaming software used by every other player. ..