Guide: How to Perform Select All on MacBook
Here are three tips to speed up your Finder selection process:
- Drag and drop files from one folder to another. This will move the files around so that they are more easily selectable.
- Use the keyboard shortcut Command-Option-F (or ⌘-O-R-D-E) to select all of the files in a folder, and then press Command-Option-F (or ⌘-O-R-D-E) to select the file you want to move. This will move all of the files in the current folder, not just the selected one.
- Use a search bar on your MacBook and type in a word or phrase that you want to find all of the files related to that word or phrase. The Finder will search through all of its contents for any files with this information in them, and will show you only those that it finds.
Some Mac users may struggle with selecting all files in a folder or just a group. However, you can easily fix this by keeping in mind a few quick methods and shortcuts that will make this process a breeze. Additionally, considering how much time you spend each day selecting files, those few moments you can save on each of those interactions can really add up long-term.
Select all files in a window
There are a few different ways to instantly select any file in a window, but the simplest one is to hold down the Command key (Cmd) and then press A. The Command-A keyboard shortcut has been a favorite of Mac users for a very long time and is simply the fastest way to get this job done. No matter which Finder view you prefer (list, icon, etc.), you just can’t beat the efficiency of this method.
We have said that this is not the only way to select all items, and we will quickly discuss some alternatives.
If you want to avoid using keyboard shortcuts, you can do so by using the menu bar in the Finder. To do this, click on the ‘Edit’ button on the toolbar and choose “Select All” from the menu that appears. ..
To select all files in a location without relying on the keyboard, use the “click and drag” method. Simply click near one of the corners of the window, hold the buttons, and drag the pointer to create a selection box that covers every item in that window.
If you only have a few items to select, this can be a quick way to do it. However, if there are many files in a window and you have to scroll down to see them all, this is not that efficient. In fact, the “intended” purpose of the Click and Drag option is likely to select several contiguous files from a larger group – this is what we’ll explain next.
Select adjacent files
You can select multiple items by using Command-A.
One way to do this is by using the “Click and Drag” method – just draw a box with the items you need. This can be especially helpful if you are using Icon view. ..
To include files in a selection, click on the first file you want to include and then press and hold the “Shift” key. Then click on the last item you need – those two files and all the files in between will be selected automatically.
You can select any file in a window by clicking the first and last file. But it’s faster to use the Command-A shortcut. ..
The two methods are great for items that appear contiguous, but they won’t help you if you want certain files that aren’t grouped. The next method will.
Select non-contiguous files
You can hold down the Command key and click on each of the files in a folder to select it.
Command-clicking can be a very useful way to select items or to deselect them from a larger group. ..
To select all items in a window except one, first use the Command-A shortcut. Then hold down Command and click on the file you don’t need. The selection is canceled, the rest remains marked. You can deselect as many items as you need this way, hold down Command and click away. ..
Mastering file selection
The best way to select files on a MacBook is by using these methods:
- By using the drag and drop feature
- By using the search function
- By using the Finder
How to Perform Select All on MacBook: benefits
Final note
How to Perform Select All on MacBook If you’re looking to quickly select all the text in a document, there are a few methods you can use. One is to use the Command-A key combination, which selects all the text in the current document. Another is to use the Option-A key combination, which selects all the text in a selection area on your screen. Finally, you can use the Command-Z key combination, which deletes all the text in a selection area.
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