Linux is a Unix-based operating system that is similar to other operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, or iOS. Linux features a graphical user interface and the same kinds of software you are used to using on other operating systems.
- GNOME Screenshot: GNOME Screenshot is a great screenshot programme that can be used to capture right-click and context menus on your computer. It can be downloaded from the GNOME website.
- KDE Screenshot: KDE Screenshot is another great screenshot programme that can be used to capture right-click and context menus on your computer. It can be downloaded from the KDE website.
- Ubuntu Snapper Snaps: Ubuntu Snapper Snaps is a great screenshot programme that can be used to capture right-click and context menus on your computer. It can be downloaded from the Ubuntu website.
Ways to Screenshot Right-Click Context Menu on Linux
Schedule screenshots using Scrot
sudo apt-get install scrot If you are using Windows, there are several third-party tools that can be used to take screenshots. For example, Snagit is a popular tool that can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. ..
Scrot will wait for 5 seconds before taking a screenshot. ..
To take a screenshot, right-click anywhere and wait for five seconds. Screenshot will be taken after five seconds. ..
You can set the timeout value to a specific time-out value.
Schedule screenshots using Gnome Screenshot
Open the Gnome Screenshot application and set a time (e.g. 5 seconds) after which the picture should be taken. Click the Take Screenshot button, open the context menu with the right mouse button and just wait 5 seconds. The screenshot will be taken in 5 seconds.
Final Words
To take a screenshot of the right-click context menu on Linux, you will need to open a terminal window and type the following command: screenshot -r -p “Your Name” ..