How to Remove Duplicate Contacts from iPhone and Mac – Guide

If you have the same Apple ID on your Mac and iPhone, changes you make on one will automatically sync to the other. To remove duplicates, make sure “Contacts” is enabled in iCloud on both devices. It’s not easy to do this using the built-in contacts app on iPhone, but there is a workaround that allows you to link contacts. On the other hand, you can use iOS apps to quickly delete or merge duplicate contacts. The Mac Contacts app has a “Check for Duplicates” feature to deal with duplicate contacts and merge contacts, but it has three drawbacks: 1) it’s not easy to use; 2) it doesn’t work with all types of duplicates; and 3) it doesn’t always get rid of duplicates. ..

Duplicate contacts on a Mac can be cleaned using iCloud. However, this process is not easy and may not work for all users. ..

Merge contacts using linked contacts Feature

Open the Contacts app and tap on the three contacts at the top.

Select an entry that you believe is more than once. ..

Scroll down and tap on the contact you want to add to a story.

Tap to select the contact you want to link.

Tap the link to the right to learn more about this product.

Two (or more) contacts are now linked. This does not delete the other entry but adds both phone numbers in a contact. Suppose there is a contact between Donald and his home phone number 1234567, and there is another contact named Donald T with his office number 9876543. By linking them, the single entity will have both phone numbers in a contact. In your iPhone address book, you will only see one entry. ..

How to Merge Duplicate Contacts on Mac

If you have more than one contact in your MacOS address book, duplicate contacts can be a pain to manage. MacOS makes handling duplicate contacts quick and straightforward. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Contacts app on your Mac.
  2. Select the contact you want to delete from your address book.
  3. Click the “Duplicate Contact” button in the toolbar at the top of the window.
  4. The “Duplicate Contact” dialog box will open, showing all of the contacts that are related to the selected contact (in other words, any duplicates).
  5. Select the contact you want to delete from your address book and click OK in the “Duplicate Contact” dialog box. ..

Select the person you want to call, and click on the phone number. Enter the phone number into the phone number field, and click on Call. ..

On the Card menu bar, click Find Duplicates. In the Find Duplicates dialog box, type a card name and click Find. If you have more than one card with the same name, Card Center displays a list of duplicates. To delete a duplicate, select it and click Delete. ..

How to iPhone Apps to Delete Duplicate Contacts

duplicate contact remover is a free app that can help you remove duplicate contact information from your iPhone and iPad.

Launch the app and tap on the Contacts icon. Tap ‘OK’ on the pop-up to allow the app to access your contacts. ..

A pop-up will show how many duplicate contact entries with the same number were found. Tap ‘OK’. A copy of the duplicate contact is already marked and selected. You can tap the checkboxes to manually select or deselect. After reviewing, tap the trash can icon in the top right corner. Tap Delete to confirm.

Go back to the app’s main screen and tap Names. Follow the same process to remove contacts with the same name. ..

Final note

If you have any duplicate contacts on your iPhone or Mac, then this guide is for you. In this article, we will show you how to remove duplicate contacts from your devices. If you have a lot of contacts, then this guide is for you too. So don’t hesitate to read it and follow the steps accordingly. duplicates Contacts on iPhone and Mac There are a few ways to remove duplicate contacts from your iPhone and Mac devices. The first way is to use the Find My Phone feature. This will show all of your contact information in one place so that you can easily remove them if they are duplicates. The second way is to use the Remove Contact feature in the Contacts app. This will take care of removing all of the duplicates from your device. The last way is to use iCloud and Apple’s own software tools. These tools will help you keep track of all of your contact information and will also delete any duplicates automatically.