How to Remove a Plex Server – Guide

Plex Media Server is a digital media player and organization tool that allows you to access music, photos and videos stored on one computer from any other or compatible computer. You can install the Plex Media Server software on a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer or compatible network-attached storage (NAS) device, and then play it on any other internet-connected device that can run the Plex application. . Use any compatible device to watch movies, listen to music, and view images stored on a computer running Plex Media Server. Access media files stored on your Plex Media Server computer over the Internet.

Plex is a free software application that allows friends and family to access your movies, music, and photos over the Internet. Plex is available for download on many platforms, but some features are only available with a paid subscription. For example, mobile Sync is not available without a subscription. Some users have trouble uninstalling Plex from their systems, while others have problems after removing the program.

Steps to Remove an Old Plex Media Server from the Server List

Remove the old Plex Media Server from your computer. You can validate that an old Plex Media Server is appearing on a new Plex Media Server by clicking your current server name in the upper left corner of the home screen. If you see an old server name in this list, it is still known to your current server.

The Settings screen on the left side of the Plex Media Server is where you can configure remote access, modify transcoder settings, add and remove channels in your account, configure network settings, and more.

Click on the “Devices” button on the Settings screen and then select the devices you want to add to your Plex account.

To restrict the device list to the list of recognized servers, click “Server”. On the left side of each entry, you will see a list of servers. The last time you accessed a server is listed, and the build of the operating system on that machine is listed. Use the server name and the operating system the server is running as validation points to ensure you are removing the correct server.

To remove a Plex Media Server:

  1. Click the “X” in the upper right corner of the box associated with the old Plex Media Server you want to remove.
  2. A Remove Server dialog box appears, informing you that all syncs and shares associated with the server you are preparing to remove will be lost. ..

Remove the selected server.

Yes, I’m sure that the server will be removed from the list of devices recognized by your new Plex Media Server.

Final note

If you’re looking to remove your Plex Media Server, this guide will show you how. ..