To receive weather satellites on Raspberry Pi or Linux, you will need to first install the weather satellite receiver software. This software can be found on the Raspberry Pi website or on a separate website that is specific to your computer. Once you have installed the receiver software, you will need to connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet. The weather satellite receiver software will automatically connect to your Raspberry Pi and start receiving weather satellites.

Steps to Receive Weather Satellites on Raspberry Pi or Linux

Prepare the Raspberry Pi

Step 2: Next, you need to install some software. This can be done using the Raspberry Pi’s built-in software installer or by downloading a specific software package from the internet. You should also check out our list of recommended software for the Raspberry Pi.

Step 2: Copy the Raspbian image to your micro SD card. To copy the Raspbian image to your micro SD card, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Raspberry Pi to the network and SSH (secure Shell) enabled.
  2. Copy the Raspbian image to your micro SD card.
  3. Mount the micro SD card on your Raspberry Pi and insert it into your computer.
  4. Change directories to where you copied the Raspbian image to (for example, /mnt/sdcard):
  5. Type sudo mkdir /mnt/sdcard
  6. Type sudo mount -t ext4 /mnt/sdcard:/mnt

Configuring SSH on the Raspberry Pi is a simple process that can be completed in the Preferences menu of the Raspberry Pi. First, enable SSH by selecting it in the menu and then setting its options to be enabled. Next, you will want to configure it to boot from the CLI by editing its configuration file. To do this, open its file in a text editor and then change its contents to reflect your preferences. Finally, you can close and restart the Raspberry Pi so that it takes effect.

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo raspi-config The Raspberry Pi should now be up to date and ready to use. ..

Install the necessary software

Step 2: Next, we need to find the RTL dongle’s driver. We can find this information on the RTL website or by searching for it on Google. Once we have the driver, we can install it on our computer. Step 3: Finally, we need to set up our TV. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. First, make sure that your TV is connected to the network and your computer. This can be done by plugging in your TV and computer together and checking to see if there is a network connection available. If there is, you’re ready to go!
  2. Next, make sure that your TV has an HDMI port. This port will allow you to connect your TV to your computer so that you can watch television shows and movies. You’ll also need an HDMI cable in order to do this!
  1. Install the RTL-SDR dongle.
  2. Connect the RTL-SDR dongle to your computer.
  3. Open a terminal and type rtl-sdr into it to start the RTL-SDR daemon on your computer.

We need to make sure that the Raspberry Pi doesn’t load any SDR core modules that will interfere with the rtl-sdr software.

This file is used to control the behavior of the RTL card.

If you do not put this line in your /etc/modprobe.d/ module,

the RTL card will not be enabled and you will not be able to use any RTL-based applications.

We will need the sox audio tool kit to handle the incoming audio stream.

cd ~git clone rtl-sdr/mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ONmakesudo make installsudo ldconfigcd ~sudo cp ./rtl-sdr/rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/sudo reboot

Install the Em Scheduler to capture happen as the satellites pass over. ..

Predict will tell us when the satellites will pass overhead.

wxtoimg -o image.png -i input.wav

testing things

sudo apt-get update Step 2: If you are using a USB dongle, make sure it is properly plugged into your computer. sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-4.4.0-1015-generic Step 3: Reboot your computer and check to see if the installation was successful by running the following command: lsb_release -a ..

If you encounter any errors while installing or using RTL, please resolve them before continuing. If your RTL dongle is not working at the moment, there is no point in continuing. ..

To determine the position of your ground station, run the forecast once. You’ll need your latitude and longitude to get this. By entering your address into Google Maps, right-clicking the pointer and choosing “What’s Here”, you can get your latitude and longitude. One thing to keep in mind is that Google shows good statistics for east and north. predict uses WEST but not the North as a good. If you don’t make the necessary adjustments, your predictions will not be accurate. ..

G: This will run the program and return a list of results.

Step 5: Accept the terms and conditions of the website.

To build an overlay map, wxtoimg needs to know where your base station is. To achieve this, create a file called /.wxtoimgrc in your home directory. In this file, North is positive, as it is in the forecast, but East is positive instead of North, as predicted. Make sure you change your values ​​accordingly.

[General] LogFile = ~/.wxtoimgrc.log Debug = false [WXToIMG] Path = ~/Pictures/ LogFile = ~/.wxtoimgrc.log Debug = true ..

the scripts

It’s time to really make your Raspberry Pi get some weather maps now that you have a working RTL dongle installed on it. Make sure your antenna is correctly positioned and connected. Mine is mounted in my attic and works reasonably well from there. It would be even better if you could ride it out. Raise it as high as you can. To automate things, we’ll need to write some scripts. This is where your Linux experience will come in handy.

-Desktop: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming -Documents and Settings: C:\Users\username\Documents -Favorites: C:\Users\username\Favorites -Groups: C:\Users\username\Groups -Local Settings: C:\Windows Local Settings Step 2: now let’s create a new user account for our new project User1: New User Account

The first script, ‘’, will be run every night at midnight. It will download the satellite pass information from celestrak and create a TLE file for intended use. It then removes all AT jobs from the system so that no pass is scheduled twice. Finally, it calls the second script, ‘’ for each satellite we are interested in. The second script, ‘’, will be called for each satellite we are interested in. This script will determine which pass to schedule based on the TLE file created by the first script and any other input provided by the user. ..

The second script, ‘’, repeats on each pass of the given satellite for the current day. It determines if the maximum elevation is 20 degrees or more and schedules the recording and processing of the pass. If it is, it calculates the duration of the pass and schedules the recording and processing of the pass. If the maximum elevation is less than 20 degrees, it will generally not produce a decent image.

When the time comes for a passing pass to be recorded and processed, at the kick-off the final road map ‘’ is called. This script uses rtl_fm to receive the audio from the satellite pass and sends that audio to sox for processing. Sox saves the audio to a file. Once the pass is complete, wxmap is called to generate an overlay map for the image. Finally, wxtoimg is called to generate the real image and place the overlay map on it.

chmod +x scripts/3 This will make the three scripts executable.


0 0 * * * root /usr/bin/cron -f To ensure that your computer’s clock is always accurate, add the following line to your cron file: 0 0 * * * root /usr/bin/cron -f ..


check things out

#satpass Step 2: To see the latest satellite passes that are scheduled to be processed, run the following command: #satpass -u

~/weather/temp.csv ~/weather/wind.csv ~/weather/pressure.csv The first two files will have the same data, while the pressure file will be different every time. The third file is the output of your pass, which will have the temperature, wind speed, and pressure values.

Final Words

If you’re looking for a way to get weather satellites onto your Raspberry Pi or Linux computer, the Foundation has got you covered. The breadth and depth of assistance offered to Raspberry Pi users is among the most incredible. features. The Foundation’s website has discussion forums, projects, blogs, how-to articles, instructional videos, and troubleshooting manuals. It provides the information in an understandable style, making it a great resource for parents, instructors, and self-motivated students. The service to educators is broad and goes beyond the site’s tools. The Foundation has ensured that educators have the necessary resources to guide students through the interesting exploration of computer technology. ..