How do you Make Your Mac Read Out Webpages/Emails/Documents – Guide
To personalize your Mac to read onscreen text, you can change the speed and voice.
You can also set your device to play content in other languages. Keep reading to learn how to make your Mac read documents and emails, and the different ways to change it feature. Those tips works whether you have a MacBook Air, a MacBook Pro, or an iMac.
Make your Mac read documents, emails, and web pages
This will take you to the App Store. From here, you can browse and purchase apps or in-app items. ..
The president of the United States delivered a speech on Wednesday night that focused on the economy and how it can be improved. The speech was well-received by many, but there were some criticisms that were made.
When you press the “option” + “Esc” keys, the text selection box will appear. You can then type in a text or press the “space” key to select all of the text.
To change the keyboard’s key layout, click on the “Change Key…” button and then select the layout you want to use. Click “OK” to save your changes. ..
After that, just highlight the text you want to hear and press the specified keys on your keyboard. ..
Your Mac will start reading the text aloud. If you press the keyboard command again, the computer will also stop reading it aloud.
Final note
How to Make Your Mac Read Out Webpages/Emails/Documents If you’re looking to read webpages and emails on your computer, you need to know how to make your Mac read out the content. This guide will show you how to do it in a simple way, so that you can get started right away. First, open up System Preferences and select the “Reading” tab. Here, you’ll find a list of all the websites and applications that your Mac can read out. You can either choose to have your Mac read them all at once or individual pages or emails can be selected by clicking on them. Once you’ve chosen which pages or emails you want your Mac to read out, click on the “Add” button and give your page or email a name. Once it’s added, click on the “Link” button next to it and then type in a URL for the page or email that you want your Mac to read out. The link will automatically take you to the page or email that is being served up by the website or application that was chosen for reading in System Preferences.