How to Move the Taskbar in Windows 10 PC – Guide
The taskbar is a thin strip that usually runs along the bottom of the screen and has been there since the release of Windows 95. In Windows 10, it contains a number of different elements, including the Start button. button, Search and Cortana bars, pinned and active programs, and taskbar with date and time. Similar to previous versions, Windows 10 allows you to customize the taskbar’s position on the screen and its behavior. By default, when you activate a new Windows 10 device, the Windows taskbar is located horizontally at the bottom of your device’s screen. However, you can change this behavior by activating an app from within the app launcher or by using one of several methods to change how your taskbar appears on startup:
- By using an app launcher shortcut: Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select “New Window”. Select “Task Bar” from the resulting window. Type in a name for your new task bar (e.g., TaskBar1) and click OK to create it.
- By using one of several methods to change how your taskbar appears on startup: Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select “New Window”. Select “Task Bar” from the resulting window if you don’t have an app launcher shortcut; type in a name for your new task bar (e.g., TaskBar1); click OK to create it if you do have an app launcher shortcut; or use one of several methods described below to change how your task bar appears when you start up Windows 10:
- By activating Cortana: Open Cortana; open Settings; open System; open Keyboard & Mouse; open Task Bar & Clock (if available). On Cortana’s main screen, under “Task Type”, select “TaskBar”. On the left side of this page are three tabs: “Startup” tab - This tab
Many Windows 10 device owners don’t know that they can actually move the Windows taskbar to the top, left, or right side of the screen. It’s a simple process. The taskbar is an element of an operating system that is located at the bottom of the screen. It allows you to find and launch programs from the Start menu and Start menu, or view any currently open program. On the right side of the taskbar is the notification area, where you can check the date and time, as well as items running in the background. The taskbar was first introduced with Microsoft Windows 95 and is found in all subsequent versions of Windows. ..
How to Move Taskbar on Windows 10 PC
To move the Windows taskbar to the top, left, or right side of the screen:
- Click and drag the taskbar to the side of the screen.
- Left click and hold on the taskbar, drag it to the side of the screen you want and release the mouse button.
- You can also reposition the taskbar in Windows settings:
On the Taskbar Settings window, click on the Appearance tab. Under the Taskbar Appearance section, select the taskbar button style that you want. There are three options: Classic, Modern, and Flat. Classic: The default button style is a round button with a text label above it. Modern: The default button style is a square button with a text label below it. Flat: The default button style is a rectangular button without any text labels. ..
In the Taskbar Settings window, set the taskbar’s location on the screen to Left, Top, Right, or Bottom.
Final note
How to Move the Taskbar in Windows 10 PC In order to move the taskbar in Windows 10 PC, you first need to create a new taskbar policy. To do this, open the Taskbar and Policy Editor and click on New Taskbar Policy. In the resulting window, enter the following information into the Name field: Taskbar Position: Top left Taskbar Size: 100% of screen width (minimum is 50%) Now click on OK to create your new taskbar policy. Next, open the System Preferences and select the Task Bar tab. Under General, set the following values: TaskBar Position: Top left TaskBar Size: 100% of screen width (minimum is 50%) Now close System Preferences and reopen them. You should now see your newly created task bar in place!