How to Install Edge Browser on Linux – Guide
Microsoft is making a big move into the Linux market by releasing the Edge browser as a development preview. This will give developers access to the code and help Microsoft build a better relationship with Linux users.
Microsoft Edge is a browser that will ship with Windows 10, followed by Mac OS, X Box and Android. It is considered a preliminary version aimed at developers who want to develop and test their websites and applications on Linux. As of now, Edge only supports local accounts.
The current version of Edge supports Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and OpenSUSE distributions. Edge is expected to be available for more platforms in future builds.
Install Microsoft Edge beta
To get started, you just need to install the appropriate package (.deb / .rpm) for your Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora or openSUSE system.
DEB or RPM file is super easy to use. Just double click on the downloaded file to install it.
The software can be installed from the Software Center or by using a tool like Gdebi for Ubuntu/Debian based distributions. ..
You can launch the app from the app menu and enjoy it.
Final note
How to Install Edge Browser on Linux If you’re looking for a fast, secure and easy-to-use web browser on your Linux system, then you should try Edge Browser. This browser is designed specifically for Linux and is perfect for those who want a fast, secure and easy-to-use web browsing experience. To install Edge Browser on your Linux system, first make sure that you have the necessary software installed. This includes the Edge Browser itself, as well as the Firefox extension and the Chrome extension. Once you have all of these software installed, then you can begin to install Edge Browser. To install Edge Browser on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, first open up a terminal window and type: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install edgebrowser sudo apt-get install firefox sudo apt-get install chrome