How to install NextCloud server on Rocky Linux 8 – Guide

Nextcloud is an enterprise-ready client-server software suite designed to help users create, host, and share files. Nextcloud is a free and open source file hosting service, making it an excellent choice for home users with scalability for enterprise-grade deployments. NextCloud is free and open source software to enable collaboration and sharing. It allows files to be accessed and stored on various devices such as PCs and phones. NextCloud works similarly to DropBox as it allows seamless collaboration on different projects, manages your calendar, sends and receives emails and also makes video calls.

Once the setup is successfully completed, you will be able to access the login page and enter your username and password. Nextcloud is a free and open source software that you can use to create file hosting services like Dropbox, Google Drive or It was created by original cloud developer Frank Karlitschek himself in 2016, and quickly grew to become more than just file hosting software with the support of many plugins. With Nextcloud, you can also use it as a collaboration software. Once the setup is successfully completed, you will be able to access the login page and enter your username and password. Nextcloud is a free and open source software that you can use to create file hosting services like Dropbox, Google Drive or It was created by original cloud developer Frank Karlitschek himself in 2016, and quickly grew to become more than just file hosting software with the support of many plugins. With Nextcloud, you can also use it as a collaboration software. ..

Create Atlantic.Net Cloud Server

sudo apt-get update

Install LAMP Stack

sudo apt-get install lamp This will install the LAMP stack on your server.

To install the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL Server, PHP, PHP CURL, GD, JSON, LDAP, MBSTRING, MYSQLND and XML: ..

After successful installation, start Apache and MariaDB services and enable them to start after system reboot.

Create a database and user for NextCloud

mysql -u root -p

Enter the MariaDB root password: Re-enter the MariaDB root password: Now, create a new database and user for your application using the following commands:

mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE myapp; CREATE USER ‘myapp’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; GRANT ALL ON myapp TO ‘myapp’@’localhost’; ..

Then log in to MariaDB using the following command:

MariaDB> set database_name mydatabase MariaDB> set user_name myuser MariaDB> set password mypassword

db create user “username” This will create a new database user called “username” with the following privileges:

  • Full control over all the data in the database.

Nextcloud is a cloud-based storage and communication platform. It allows users to store and share files, photos, and videos.

Nextcloud database –privileges=nextcloud

Grant all privileges on nextcloud.* to ‘nextcloud’@’%’.

mysqld –user=username –password=password –skip-grant-tables To exit the MariaDB shell, type “exit” and press Enter. ..

Install NextCloud

Nextcloud is a self-hosted file sharing and communication platform. It offers a number of features, such as private files, group collaboration, and secure communications. ..

apache2 -d / This will extract the downloaded file to the Apache web root directory.

Unzip the file and place it in /var/www/html/.

mkdir -p nextcloud-data

Nextcloud is now owned by Apache. ..

chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/nextcloud

Create an Apache virtual host configuration file

To create a Nextcloud virtual host configuration file, open the Apache web server’s configuration file in a text editor such as vi or nano, and enter the following lines: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/html/nextcloud Next, create a symbolic link to the Nextcloud configuration file in your Apache web server’s document root: ln -s /var/www/html/nextcloud/nextcloud.conf nextcloud.conf ..

Save the file and restart the Apache service to apply the changes:

Configure firewall

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=80/tcp If the firewall is not installed or if it is not running, you can allow port 80 through the firewall by following these steps:

  1. Open the firewall configuration file using the following command: sudo nano /etc/firewall.d/10-local.conf
  2. Add the following line to the file: allow port 80 through interface eth0 ..

Firewall-cmd –add-port 80/tcp –zone public –permanent

  1. Reload the firewall to apply the changes:
  2. Type “reload” in the command line and press enter.
  3. The firewall will reload and apply the changes.

Access NextCloud

To access Nextcloud, open your web browser and visit the URL You should see the following screen: Next, you will need to provide your admin account name, password, and set your data directory. After that, you will need to provide your database credentials and click Finish Setup button. Finally, you will be redirected to Nextcloud login page where you can provide your username and password for your admin account. Once logged in, you should see the Nextcloud dashboard. ..

Final note

NextCloud is a popular open-source software for managing files and folders on a Linux computer. It’s easy to set up and use, making it the perfect choice for anyone who wants to keep their files safe and secure. If you’re looking to install NextCloud on Rocky Linux 8, we’ve put together a guide that will show you how. In this article, we’ll cover everything from setting up NextCloud to using it. So make sure you read through our guide before starting anything!