How to download and install NextCloud on Linux Debain 11 Bullseye – Guide

Nextcloud is an open source software project that allows users to create their own file storage services. It was created by the original developer of owncloud, Frank Karlitschek. In 2016, he split the Owncloud project into a new project with the new name “Nextcloud”.

Nextcloud is a powerful file synchronization and content collaboration software that is supported with various plug-ins. With its growing popularity, Nextcloud is becoming more than just a simple file hosting software; it’s a platform that can help with many different tasks. You can download and install plugins for project management, video conferencing, collaborative editing, note taking, email client, etc.

In this guide, you will learn how to install Nextcloud on Debian 11 Bullseye. You will install Nextcloud under the LAMP stack.

Install Nextcloud on Debian 11 Bullseye

apt-get update apt-get install linux-headers-3.6.0-desktop linux-headers-3.6.1-desktop linux-image-$(uname -r) Step 2. After verifying that your system is up, it is now necessary to install the software by running the following apt commands: aptitude install linux kernel modules linux gcc gcc libc++ libstdc++6 libgcc6 libmalloc2 Step 3. After installing the software, it is now necessary to verify that it is working by running the following apt commands: dpkg -l | grep linux dpkg -l | grep gcc dpkg -l | grep libc++ dpkg -l | grep libstdc++6 dpkg -l | grep malloc2

The LAMP stack is a software stack that includes the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, and PHP. It is used to create websites.

A Debian 11 LAMP server is required to run the popular web server software LAMP. If you don’t have LAMP installed, please read our previous page tutorial to install the LAMP Stack on Debian 11.

To install Nextcloud on Debian 11, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window and type the following command to install the required packages: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nextcloud
  2. Next, create a directory to store your Nextcloud files: sudo mkdir -p /var/www/nextcloud
  3. Finally, copy the Nextcloud installation files to the newly created directory: sudo cp -r nextcloud /var/www/nextcloud ..

Nextcloud, the popular cloud-based file storage and sharing platform, is now available for download from the official page.

We will need to change the permissions on the “My Documents” folder to allow only the user who has been assigned to it to access it.

To set up MariaDB, you will need to download the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. ..

MariaDB is not enforced by default. You can secure MariaDB using the mysql_secure_installation script. You should read and follow each step carefully, which will set a root password, remove anonymous users, disallow remote root login, and remove test database and secure MariaDB access.

Configure your router to forward port 443 traffic to the HTTPS server.

mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE nextcloud; Next, we will need to create a Nextcloud user. Run the following command: mysql -u root -p CREATE USER nextcloud@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’; ..

MariaDB: root@localhost/nextcloud:/usr/local/bin/mysql -u root -p Nextcloud: nextcloud@localhost

SSL letsencrypt is a free, open source SSL certificate management tool that helps you manage and secure your SSL certificates.

certbot –install Then, we create a new SSL certificate for your website: certificate –new –subject-name “My Site’s Name” –issuer “My Site’s Issuer”

mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt cd /etc/letsencrypt

nano well-known.conf

server { listen 80; }

#!/bin/bash echo “Hello, world!” exit 0 ..

ln -s /etc/conf-enabled/well-known.conf /etc/conf-enabled This will enable the well-known.conf file in the ‘well-known’ directory to be used as a configuration file for the Confd daemon.

Check your Apache configuration and restart the Apache service: If you are using the Apache web server, please check your configuration and restart the service.

To configure Apache, open a command prompt and type the following: sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo service apache2 restart ..

Nextcloud virtual host configuration: Nextcloud will use the following Apache virtual host configuration: <VirtualHost :80> ServerName Alias /usr/local/apache2/www/

“The president of the United States said that he would not sign a bill that would defund Planned Parenthood.” The president of the United States said that he would not sign a bill that would defund Planned Parenthood if it were to be passed by Congress.

We can restart the Apache web server to take effect the changes that were made to it:

You can now securely access your files over HTTPS by redirecting HTTP to HTTPS. This will ensure that all of your traffic is encrypted and protected against third-party interception. ..

DocumentRoot / var / www / nextcloud /

H2 Protocols is a secure, fast, and easy-to-use platform for managing and sharing data.

Redirecting www to not www will make it so that your website always points to instead of www.

The logs for the Apache2 server are in two different files: the ErrorLog and the CustomLog. The ErrorLog is used to track errors and is written to the file /var/log/apache2/, while the CustomLog is used to track access requests and is written to the file /var/log/apache2/

SSLEngine OnSSL Certificates /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/letsencrypt/live/

The HSTS Header always defines a strict transport security policy of “max-age = 15552000;” and “includeSubDomains.”

This setting allows you to follow symlinks in your web browser.

SetEnv HOME /var/www/nextcloudSetEnv HTTP_HOME /var/www/nextcloud ..

To access the Nextcloud web interface, open your web browser and type “".

Once successfully installed, now open your favorite browser and navigate to and complete the necessary steps to complete the installation. If you are using a firewall, open port 80 to allow access to the control panel. If you have not already done so, please install the software on your computer before proceeding. Once installed, you will be able to access the installation instructions by visiting If you are using a firewall, please allow port 80 access so that you can access the installation instructions. ..

Final note

NextCloud is a great alternative to Dropbox and Google Drive. It’s free, secure, and easy to use. This guide will show you how to install NextCloud on your Linux computer. ..