How to Improve Email Deliverability and Open Rates – Guide

Email marketing is an essential part of any marketing strategy. Without email marketing, your messages may never reach your subscribers, and you may not see the benefits of your investment. Email design and development is important to ensure that your messages are delivered to subscribers in a way that delight them. ..

Email is a powerful digital marketing tool that can help you reach a wider audience and generate more web traffic, sales, and income. Did you know that email marketing is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies that produces positive results? 80% of small businesses rely heavily on email for customer acquisition, and 80% of survey respondents rely solely on email for customer engagement. So if you want to make a direct positive impact as a startup, email marketing should be part of your digital marketing toolbox. ..

Tips on how startups can improve email delivery rates

Use a dedicated IP – and take care of it

To maximize your deliverability, you should use a unique email IP address and website domain.

Your web address is more important than your email IP address when it comes to domain reputation.

Sharing your email address is a bad idea because it can give other people an unfair advantage when contacting you. Make sure you have a dedicated IP address so that your messages are not diluted by others’ content. ..

Create your own email lists

The best way to get the most out of your email lists is not to buy them, but to create and manage them yourself. This will maximize your deliverability and open rates, without getting in trouble with the authorities or regulators.

Building your own custom email list is the best way to get the best deliverability and open rates for your email campaigns.

Test your emails for spam scores

To check your email spam score, you can use ActiveCampaign. ActiveCampaign runs a spam check on every campaign you create and checks the content of your emails for potential issues. If you find any red flags, you can take action to fix them.

Test delivery with initial accounts

After testing your email campaigns, make sure they are reaching each mailbox provider. Create accounts with Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo and any other providers you want to test and make sure they are sending. ..

This is a test to see if your emails are being sent to the inboxes you expect them to be sent to. If not, make sure you open them after you receive them so they don’t add any negative juice to your open rates.

Segment leads on your website

When it comes to open rates, relevancy is everything and generic emails are always at risk of being ignored. You need to capture people’s interest in a single subject line, and that can be especially difficult for first few emails when you don’t know enough about users to target them with more specific messages. The problem is, you can find out enough about these users before they even hit submit. button in your email application form. We use Leadformly to create multi-step forms with conditional logic that allows us to get more detailed information about what each user needs from us and that allows us, from the very first email we send, to be very relative. This way, we can personalize our messages for each individual user and ensure that they stay interested in our content long after their initial contact. ..

With Active Campaign, you can send highly relevant emails without having to manually choose which message to send. This makes it easier for you to focus on the important tasks of your business, such as growing your customer base and increasing sales.

Stay on top of hard jumps

If you have an email address that is no longer active or simply doesn’t exist, your email delivery will be suppressed by major ISPs if you accumulate too many of these bounces.

If you’re using a double opt-in, make sure to watch for bounces. If an email address is closed, that could damage your IP reputation. ..

Set a cut threshold for non-openers

Your email has been getting to people, but you just don’t get opens from that contact for a long time. Unfortunately, this is starting to tarnish your reputation with ISPs and you have to pick a cut-off point where you say enough is enough. Whether you choose a year, six months or less (this can vary by campaign), choose your limit as a few hundred of these users can often become a problem.

Test your email subject lines

To increase the chances that your email will be opened, try to focus your message on one specific topic. This way, people will be more likely to read through the entire email and see the main point. You can also use strong language to make your points.

Use a reputable email platform

To maintain a good reputation with ISPs, you should use reputable email marketing platforms. Some of the best are Active Campaign, Sendinblue, and HubSpot. You can also check out our list of the best email marketing platforms to see which one is right for your business.

Final note

How to Improve Email Deliverability and Open Rates If you’re looking to improve your email deliverability and open rates, you’ll need to do some research. This guide will show you how to improve your email content, design, and delivery. By following these tips, you can make sure that your emails are more likely to be read and responded to.