How to Group Tabs in Chrome for Mobile – Guide

Google has released a new update to Chrome on Android that allows users to open tabs in a grid instead of stacked cards. In addition, the app now also offers the ability to group tabs if you have more than a few of them open. Guide groups are one of the best. features available on the Chrome desktop. Now available for Android, here’s everything you need to know about tab grouping in Chrome:

  • Tab grouping is an important feature that allows you to organize your tabs more easily and efficiently.
  • You can create guide groups, which are collections of tabs that share common tasks or features.
  • Guide groups can help you save time by making it easier to find and open tabs.
  • If you have multiple devices running Chrome on Android, tab grouping can be especially helpful because it will keep all your tabs organized and accessible on one device.

The new tab layout is enabled by default on all Android devices that are already using Chrome. If you update to the latest version of Chrome and still don’t see the new layout, you can enable it manually by going to chrome://flags/#enable-tab-grid-layout. After that, you’re supposed to have to restart the app twice to keep the new layout.

How to create tab groups in Chrome on mobile

  1. Group tabs by using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard.
  2. Group tabs by using the “tabs” button on your browser toolbar.

One of the easiest ways to create a tab group is to press and hold a link on a web page. When you do this, a menu will appear. Tap “Open in a new tab in the group”.

You will now see a new tab bar at the bottom of the screen. There are circular icons that represent multiple tabs in the group. To switch between tabs, simply tap on the tab you want to open. ..

Create a tab group from the tab preview screen

You can also create groups of tabs from existing open tabs. To do this, open the tab selector screen. Here you will find all your open tabs. Now press and hold a tab and drag it to another tab to create a group of both. Likewise, add more tabs to this group or create a new group. ..

You can merge groups of guides by dragging and dropping them. ..

After creating a group, tap the group to show the tabs. Tap any tab to open it. You will find other open group tabs at the bottom. Tap the icon to switch between tabs.

How to close Chrome without closing tabs

Final note

How to Group Tabs in Chrome for Mobile If you’re using Chrome on a mobile device, there’s a good chance you’re seeing tabs grouped together instead of individual tabs. This can be a bit of a nuisance because it can make it difficult to quickly access the information you need. To fix this, you can use the Group Tabs feature in Chrome. To use Group Tabs, open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. This will show a list of all your current tabs. From here, select one tab and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the screen again. This will group all your current tabs together into one area. Now that your tabs are grouped together, it’s easy to access them quickly and easily. If you have any questions or problems with this guide, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].