How to Flip any Image in Google Docs on your PC and Mobile – Guide

Google Docs offers a large number of tools and features that you can use to include objects in your document. One of those tools is the Google Image Search tool. You can use this tool to find images you want to use in your document. You can also upload an image of yours, if you have taken or created the image you want to use in your document.

If you’ve already added an image to a document and discovered it’s in the wrong orientation, you can rotate it to match the document’s orientation. ..

How to search, insert, upload and influence images in Google Docs We’ll also look at how we can shake and scroll an image in Google Docs.

How to Invert an image in Google Docs on PC

To flip an image from the Google Docs editor screen, open a document and drag the image you want to flip from the left or right edge of the document.

To flip an image in a document:

  1. Click on the image you want to flip.
  2. Right-click on the image and select the ‘Cut’ or ‘Copy’ option.
  3. If you are creating a copy of the image, you may need to delete the original image after your copy is turned over.
  4. Alternatively, you can crop or copy the image using your relevant keyboard shortcuts: [Ctrl (Command) + C (to copy)] or [Ctrl (Command) + V (to cut)]. ..

To paste an image into a document, first cut or copy the image. Then place the cursor on an empty part of the document, and press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac). ..

In the ‘New’ dialog, enter a name for your drawing and click on the ‘Create’ button. Your new drawing will be created in the same location as your current Google Docs drawing.

This will show a new pop-up window.up that draws on the screen. Within this window, right click on the empty part and click on the ‘Paste’ option. Alternatively, you can also paste the image using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl (Command) + P.

To paste an image into a drawing, first open the Drawing tool. On the toolbar, click the Paste button. In the Paste dialog box, select Image from the drop-down list. Click OK. The image you copied earlier will now be pasted into your drawing as the original image. ..

If you have not yet created an image for this drawing, you can use one from your computer by clicking the Image icon at the top of the Drawing tool and selecting the image you want to insert.

To invert this image, click the Actions menu option within the Design window and select Rotate. Now, depending on how you want the image to be arranged, choose the ‘Flip Horizontal’ or ‘Flip Vertical’ option.

After flipping your image, you can save it and close the drawing tool window by clicking the ‘Save and close’ option in the upper right corner of the drawing tool window.

The only way to flip your images horizontally in Google Docs is to use the method above. All other shapes listed here will only allow you to invert or rotate an image vertically.

How to Invert an image in the Google Docs app on your Phone

If you commonly create and edit documents with the Google Docs app on your phone, be aware that there is no flipping tool available in the Google Docs app - this is because there is no drawing tool available in the app. To flip an image locally on your phone, you can use the Snapseed app which you can add to your document in Documents. ..

Flipping the image in Snapseed

Before flipping an image, make sure you have the Snapseed app installed on your Android or iPhone. Click on the relevant link below to download and install Snapseed.

Once the app is installed, open it and tap the “+” icon on the app’s main screen. ..

If you are using Snapseed for the first time, you will be asked to grant storage permissions to your phone for the app. Tap ‘Allow’ when prompted.

Once you have selected an image from your phone storage, tap the ‘+’ icon again and select the image from your phone.

When the image editor loads up, tap the ‘Tools’ tab at the bottom of the editor.

You can now rotate the photos in your album.

To rotate or flip an image, use the Flip icon.

To flip an image horizontally:

  1. Tap the flip icon on the bottom left of the image.
  2. The image will be flipped horizontally. ..

If you want the image to be flipped vertically, tap the Rotate icon twice.

If you are satisfied with the inversion results, tap the checkmark in the lower right corner. ..

You can export the image to your phone by tapping the ‘Export’ tab at the bottom.

When a pop-up menu appears, select the ‘Save’ option on the screen to save it to your phone.

Final note

If you’re looking to flip an image in Google Docs on your computer or mobile device, then this guide is for you. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it using the following steps:

  1. Open Google Docs and create a new document.
  2. Drag and drop the image you want to flip onto the document.
  3. Choose “Flip Image” from the “Format” menu and then click on the “Flip Image” button.
  4. The image will be flipped 180 degrees and will be displayed in a new window that will open up on your computer or mobile device.