How To Fix iPhone Battery Draining Issue – Guide

Some iPhone users are reporting that their battery is draining faster than normal or even faster than it was before the iOS 15 update was released. If you’re noticing that your iPhone’s battery is draining faster than usual, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem. We’ll show you some simple tips to help conserve your battery, and if you find that your battery is draining more quickly after installing iOS 15, there are a few steps you can take before contacting customer support. Before Apple released its latest update for iPhones, many users were reporting various issues with their batteries. ..

One of the problems on the list is abnormal battery consumption, which is a common problem that appears after each iOS release. Some of these battery issues could be hardware related, but many more are likely due to Apple’s latest software update. In many cases, it’s probably an app that’s causing the problem. If you’re having issues with battery life after upgrading to iOS 15, you might be considering reverting to older iOS software. This is certainly an option, but you should try to fix the problem so you can keep the latest firmware.

How to fix iPhone battery drain issue

Limit when and how often apps access your location

Settings is where you can control how your phone behaves. You can control how it looks, how it sounds, and how it works.

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter
  4. Snapchat
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Google Maps

Limit apps using Bluetooth

Scroll down to “Location Services.” Tap the toggle switch to turn off “Location Services.” ..

Activate low power mode

Scroll down and tap Battery to see the battery’s current state.

The Low Power Mode button turns off your device and reduces its power consumption.

Use WiFi whenever possible

WiFi consumes less power than cellular connections. To maximize battery life, Apple recommends establishing a WiFi connection whenever possible. At home or at work, WiFi must be turned on to save cellular data and battery power. ..

Enable Airplane Mode in Low Signal Areas

If you’re in an area with poor or no reception, your iPhone will drain its battery while searching for a signal or trying to connect. When you have poor cell reception, it’s best to turn on Airplane Mode, as you probably won’t be able to do much with a weak signal anyway. Flight mode prevents your iPhone from searching for a signal endlessly and saves battery life until you reach a place with a better connection. ..

Make sure your battery is healthy

Settings Open the Settings app.

Scroll down and tap Battery to see the battery’s current state.

Manage apps that are draining your battery

The iPhone tells you which apps are using the most battery. This way, you can be sure that nothing is secretly consuming your battery without your knowledge. You can check battery usage statistics by opening the Settings app and tapping the Battery section. Here you will find graphs where you can see the battery level for the last 24 hours or the last 10 days, as well as the apps that consumed the most battery. ..

If you don’t need an app and its battery consumption is high, you can delete it. For apps you need, you can limit their usage to reduce battery consumption. This section also tells you how long apps spend on background updates.

Limit background activity

Settings Open the Settings app.

Background app refresh is a feature that allows you to keep your apps up-to-date without having to open them. ..

Adjust email search settings

Settings is where you can control how your phone behaves. You can control how it looks, how it sounds, and how it works.

Please enter new data into the form below.

limit notifications

Settings Open the Settings app.

-Scroll through each app and toggle whether or not notifications can be sent from the app. ..

Disable automatic downloads and app updates

Settings Open the Settings app.

Tap your profile picture to open your profile.

iTunes and the App Store are two of the most popular ways to use your iPhone and iPad. They offer a variety of apps and games, as well as music and movies.

This is a simple, easy way to improve your health and save money.

  1. Open the Settings app and navigate to the General section.
  2. Scroll down and select the Update & Security section.
  3. Toggle off automatic updates for your iOS device.

Settings Open the Settings app.

Disable updates on your device.

Activate dark mode

Settings Open the Settings app.

When using a screen or brightness setting, choose Screen and Brightness to get the best results.

The “Dark” option on the main screen of the device opens a menu that allows you to control how bright the screen is. You can choose between a light and dark screen, depending on your needs.

Final note

If you’re having iPhone battery draining issues, then you might want to check out our guide on how to fix them. If you have any questions or queries about this article, please don’t hesitate to ask us. Additionally, please share this article with your friends and family so they can also benefit from it.