How To Find Out Your Current DNS Server – Guide

DNS servers are important because they translate human-readable domain names into machine-understandable IP addresses.

If you want to know which DNS servers your router is currently using, whether it’s a Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device, stay around to find out. how to find out which DNS servers you are using. Each ISP has its own DNS servers and most people use the same ones. Fortunately, we can use the device-level or router-level custom DNS servers. Custom DNS is useful in many ways and can also speed up your Internet connection to some extent. If you don’t trust your ISP DNS server, you need to use secure DNS servers like Google DNS and OpenDNS. ..

How to find out what is the address of my DNS servers on Linux/Unix/macOS

The resolver is a set of routines in the C library that provides access to DNS (Internet Domain Name System). The resolver configuration file contains information that is read by the resolver routines the first time they are called by a process.

To find out the IP address of your DNS servers on a Linux/BSD/Unix-like system, you can use the ifconfig command. ..

cat /etc/resolv.conf

  • pager -v
  • pager -S

grep -i “^.*$” /etc/passwd This will search through the contents of the /etc/passwd file for any matches that include the word “password.”

dig +short @localhost This will show you the DNS records for the localhost.

Users of home routers and modems can see the address of their ISP’s router or WiFi network. ..

I see that the company is struggling financially. The company is in financial trouble and may not be able to survive. ..

NetworkManager is a program that helps you manage your network connections and devices.

Final note

This guide is about how to find out your current DNS server. If you have any query about this article, you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.