How to Disable Notifications in Windows 11 PC – Guide

In Windows 11, notifications are managed in the lower right corner of the screen. You can see notifications 24/7, and you don’t need to do any configuration to get things working. Notifications in Windows 11 show you the latest headlines, email alerts, and messages from your chat app.

Some notifications, like those that tell you about a new email, require a click to take you to the app that generated the message so you can learn more. When a notification pops up, you don’t have to deal with it right away. You can just ignore it until you have time or click on the ‘x’ button in the top right corner of the pop-up.

Turn all Windows 11 notifications on or off via the Settings menu

Press Windows key + I to open up the Settings menu in Windows 10.

On the System screen, you can find options to change your computer’s settings. If you don’t see the options by default, click the action button in the upper left corner. ..

In the Notifications tab, you will find a list of all the notifications that have been sent to your device.

To disable notifications for all your apps, open the Notifications menu and toggle the switch to “OFF.” If you want to receive all notifications, toggle the switch to “ON.” ..

When you toggle the new behavior on, it will take effect. You can safely close the Settings screen at this point. ..

Turn Windows specific notifications on or off via the Settings menu

Press Windows key + I to open the Settings menu and select “Control Panel”.

In the Notifications pane, you’ll see a list of notifications that have been sent to your device.

Scroll down to the Notifications from apps and other senders section on the Notifications settings page and turn off or on the dedicated toggle according to which apps you want to receive notifications from.

Once the changes are applied, you can safely close the Settings screen. ..

Final note

How to Disable Notifications in Windows 11 PC If you’re like most people, you probably use Windows 10 to run your business and personal computer. But what about the other half of the equation - your home computer? If you’re like me, I use Windows 10 on my desktop and then I move my laptop over to my living room or bedroom when I’m done working. That’s why it’s so important to be able to disable notifications on your desktop and laptop so that you can focus on what you’re doing instead of getting notifications from every app that tries to send you a notification. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Start Menu and type “notifications.” This will open a new window with all of the notifications that are currently installed on your computer.
  2. Scroll down until you find “notifications center.” This is a small icon at the bottom of the notification window. Click it to open it up.
  3. In the “Notifications Center” window, click on “disable notifications.” This will take you to a page where you can choose which apps should be notified when something happens on your computer (like an email being sent). You can also choose not to receive any notifications at all by clicking “none.” If you want, you can also set up rules for which apps should be notified when specific events happen (like turning off Wi-Fi). Once you’ve made these choices, click “OK” to close the notification center and return to your normal notification settings.