How to Delete Telegram Messages and Whole Conversations – Guide

If you want to delete something for yourself and the recipient, you need to tap “Also delete for [Friend’s Name]” instead. They will need to be connected to the internet, otherwise, once they do, they will be deleted from your side. ..

If 3D Touch is disabled or not supported:

To delete a text message, double-tap it and tap “Delete”. ..

If you long press a message or attachment and then tap “Delete”, it will be deleted from your device. ..

Delete any message or attachment by tapping and holding it and then tapping “Delete”.

Delete all the messages in my inbox and trash them.

Please enter a valid email address.

No matter which path you decide to take, an action sheet will appear with options. Click “Delete for me” to remove it from your side only. To delete for both of you, tap “Delete for me and [Friend’s Name]” instead of. The other user will need to be connected to the internet, otherwise once they do they will be deleted from your side and from their side as well. ..

Delete messages for everyone in secret chats

The secret chats feature is designed to make it easier for you to communicate with your friends and colleagues without having to worry about accidentally sending them messages that you later regret. By automatically removing messages from recipient’s device, you can be sure that your communication will be private and uninterrupted.

Secret Chat is a messaging app that allows users to communicate in a secure way. Recently, there was a bug that allowed users to delete messages from other users’ Secret Chats. To prevent this from happening, there is now an option on Android and iOS devices to delete the message and attachment only for the user. This will remove it from both devices, at least as soon as the other device connects to the internet. ..

Delete messages in group cloud chats

If you’re an admin in a group chat, you can see the option “Delete for everyone” or “Delete for all members” as well as “Delete for me” or “Delete.” This applies to messages that you have sent and that others have sent.

If you’re not an admin on a chat, you can only delete messages that have been sent to the chat for everyone. However, as for other people’s messages, you can only delete them from your side. This means that they will still appear in the chat conversation on everyone’s device.

When using one of the Option 1 methods to delete multiple messages at once, on Android you will see that you will have the option to “unsend” the message you sent while only deleting the message on your side that someone else sent. On iOS, you will only have the “Delete for me” option, so you will need to delete your sent chats individually.

Delete entire cloud chat threads for everyone

When it’s not just one or two messages that need to disappear, it’s best to destroy everything. Unfortunately, Telegram makes this easy for regular cloud chats. On iOS, under the “Conversations” tab, slowly swipe left to reveal the “Delete” option. If you slide too fast, you might end up archiving it instead. Then tap “Delete” and tap “Delete for me and [Friend’s Name].” There is also the option to tap “Edit” in the “Chats” tab, select a chat, delete it, but don’t do it that way because you can only delete on your side, not the other side either.

On Android, if you want to delete a conversation, first press and hold the conversation in the main view. Then, tap the trash can icon (in older versions, you may need to tap “Delete”). Check the option “Also delete for [Friend’s Name]” and confirm with “Delete chat”. Alternatively, in a chat thread, tap the vertical ellipsis (three dots), choose “Delete chat”, check the “Delete also for [Friend’s Name]” and confirm with “Delete chat”. ..

If you delete a group or secret chat, it will only be deleted from your side. Other users will be able to continue chatting in the group or secret chat. With groups, other users can see all of the messages that have been sent in the group and any attachments. With Secret Chats, the other user’s chat will be archived, but all messages and attachments will be visible. Since you’ve deleted the conversation on your side, you won’t have any control over these messages, so it’s safest to delete Secret Chat messages one at a time. ..

Clear all history in cloud and secret chats

If you use Option 4 to get rid of all messages in a regular cloud chat, you’re done up excluding the cloud chat itself. While it’s no big deal, there’s a slightly less extreme way to get rid of all messages in a chat, without deleting the chat thread itself. The following methods work in secret chats for both OS versions, as well as cloud chats on Android, which will delete each person’s history. On an iPhone, regular cloud chats will only delete the history on your side. On Android, press and hold a Secret Chat in the main topics view, tap the vertical ellipsis (three dots), tap “Clear History” and confirm with “Clear History” in the pop-up.up.

Clear History on Android: To clear history on Android, open the app and tap the three dots in the top left corner. Then select “Clear History.”

Final note

If you’re looking to delete messages and entire conversations on Telegram, we’ve got the guide for you. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us. And finally, please share this article with your friends!