How to Delete Completed Reminders on iPhone/iPad at Once – Guide

Apple Reminders are a way to manage tasks and keep track of important reminders. You can add reminders with Siri, or use the built-in tools. There are many ways to use Apple Reminders, including: -Manage tasks: Add tasks to your Apple Reminder and have them done automatically when they’re due. -Set location-based reminders: Set a reminder for a specific time and place, or set a reminder for all days of the week. -Share reminders with your contacts: Share your Apple Reminder with your contacts so they can get notified when you need them. -Sort and organize your reminders based on context: Sort your reminders by date, time, task name, or other context information. -Schedule reminders: Schedule a reminder for a specific time or day. -Search memories: Search for memories from past Apple Reminders to get started on new ones.

The Apple Reminders app is a multipurpose app feature which can be set on any of your Apple devices and applied and played on all your devices such as iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch and iPod Touch. Syncing and Reminder on all Apple devices is very interesting and convenient for users. That’s why Apple rocks! Despite small little details, they take care of that when creating each feature. It makes the life of the Apple user simple and easy. And above all time saving.

How to Delete All Reminders on iPhone

Open the Reminders app and set a reminder for tomorrow.

Deleting items from the list is easy. Just tap on the list you want to delete and then select the item you want to remove.

  1. Your name
  2. Your address
  3. Your phone number
  4. Your email address
  5. Your website

Reminders on the list will be deleted and all related list reminders will be removed.

To delete a list:

  1. Open the list in your reminders app or computer.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on the “delete” button.
  3. Your list will be deleted and all completed and unfinished reminders will be removed.

Delete all reminders on iCloud:

  1. Open the iCloud app and sign in.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom and select “Reminders.”

  3. Click the “delete all reminders” button.

  4. Select the list you want to delete.

  5. Click the trash can icon to the right of the list.

  6. Click Delete List. ..

Deleting reminders from your iPhone also deletes them from iCloud and any other synced devices. ..

How to Delete All Completed Reminders on iPhone

Reminders can be deleted using the Shortcuts app.

  1. Open Shortcuts and sign in with your Apple ID.
  2. Type a command or reminder into the text field and press the “Add to list” button.
  3. The app will create a new script for you and add it to your list.
  4. To use the script, just press the “Execute” button and enjoy your work!

To download the preconfigured shortcut, click here. ..

Shortcuts can be a great way to get quick access to commonly used tools and applications. However, they can also be a potential security risk. To make sure shortcuts are safe, install the Shortcuts app and configure it to only allow access to the following: your current user account, your computer’s current location, and the apps you trust.

  1. Open the Start screen and type “cmd” and hit enter.
  2. Type “xbox 360” and hit enter.
  3. The shortcut will install automatically.

This will allow you to untrack shortcuts that are not from your computer or from the app you are using.

Add the shortcut to the app so that you can easily access it from your phone.

If you wish, you can create a shortcut to the main window that will open automatically when you start your computer.

In the “My Shortcuts” tab, you can create and manage shortcuts to your favorite websites and applications. You can also create shortcut groups, which makes it easier to access your favorite shortcuts from any location.

Add Action

Select “Find Reminders” and click on it.

Tap on “News”. Tap on “Politics”.

After you tap “Done,” you can add a new photo by tapping the plus sign again. ..

Next is a shortcut to the next article in your feed. You can customize its color if you wish.

To remove a reminder, tap it and then select “Remove” from the popup menu.

Reminders will be deleted after the task is completed. Remember that this is a permanent action and you cannot undo it.

Final note

How to Delete Completed Reminders on iPhone/iPad at Once If you have any questions or queries about this guide, please do not hesitate to ask us. Additionally, please share this guide with your friends and family so that they too may benefit from its contents.