1. Choose your team of players and create a strategy for the game.
  2. Set up your team’s abilities to best advantage.
  3. Play through the game to see how each player fares and adjust as needed.
  4. When all enemies have been killed, complete the final round to win!

Steps to kill all enemies in first round on Hard West 2

-Use a ranged weapon to take out the enemies at close range. -Use a magic weapon to take out the enemies at a distance. -Use a combination of weapons to take out all of the enemies.

Gin uses his Shadow Barrage to rip apart the sheriff and two other units that are in front of him. At least one mob will end up dead, which means Gin still has Bravado. ..

Shoot the sheriff to damage him and end Gin’s turn. ..

To reach the rooftop to the left, use Flynn’s Shadow Swap. ..

Have Flynn kill the mobs (a) below her, (b) behind the gallows, (c) next to Laughing Deer, (d) across the street, and (e) the sheriff. Don’t kill the one in front of the gallows.

Shoot the mob near Old Man Bill to end Flynn’s turn. ..

Old Man Bill can then kill the mob with his next shot, damaging the one to the left. ..

Laughing Deer is a great way to quickly take out the remaining targets. You should have enough action points (AP) to melee the guy near the gallows. Bravado will refresh your AP, so you can take out the last enemy. ..

Final Words

When Hard West first came out, it stunned many turn-based strategy fans with a turn-based game in the Weird West/XCom style. The name “Weird West” is mainly used in novels for tabletop role-playing games. It blends native American magic and culture with occultism and western cowboy clichés. Imagine it as a fantastical take on cowboys.