How to customize the Google Search widget and change its shape and color – Guide

Google does a great job on the design and functionality of their widgets available for most of their apps. First of all, remember that we are already defining which are the widgets and which are the ones that best recommend your phone home screen. Another important widget of the Great G ecosystem is Google Search, that little screen bar where you find exactly what you need. In addition to providing you with this facility, the Google Search Widget highlights its customization options with which you can change the aesthetics of this item and your taste. ..

To add a colorful and personal touch to the Google Search widget you’ve installed on your mobile home screen or tablet, all you need to do is follow these simple steps: First, make sure you have something like this If not, press and hold anywhere on the Home screen for a few seconds and select the Widgets option. Then search the Google folder and click on the search widget to replace it with your preferred one. ..

How to customize the Google Search widget and change its shape and color

In the Customize widget menu, tap on the Google Now button. Now, in the Google Now window, you’ll see a list of all of your current notifications. You can see which notifications are from Google and which are from other apps, or you can just ignore them all and keep your notifications turned off. If you want to turn on notifications for specific apps, just tap on one of the app names in the list and then select On.

You can now customize the Google Search widget to look and feel more like your own personal favorite website. You can choose a light or dark theme, as well as a custom color according to your preference.

You can customize the appearance of the widget’s corners, including rounded or square. You can also select whether you just want a ‘G’ or ‘Google’ as the logo in the search bar. Finally, there is also the option to increase or decrease the transparency of the search widget.

Final note

Google has released a new guide on how to customize the Google Search widget and change its shape and color. This guide is available on the Google website, and it includes instructions on how to change the widget’s shape, size, color, and opacity. If you have any questions about how to use this widget or want to share your feedback with Google, you can ask us in the comments section below or on our Facebook page. Finally, we hope you enjoy this guide and find it useful! ..