Linux is widely used in the IT industry, including embedded systems, robotics, and networking. Compared to its rivals, Linux has established itself as a superior platform. In addition, advancements in the graphical user interface (GUI) have made Linux distributions more prevalent in people’s daily lives.

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that is known for its ease of use, cost-free nature, and safety. It is one of the most user-friendly distributions available, and it is advised to use it on a system that receives several daily users. Creating multiple users will create distinct directories for your critical files, and will ensure that you won’t unintentionally change anyone else’s data. The following steps can be used to create a user in Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 using the GUI or Terminal: ..

Steps to create User in Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 using GUI or Terminal

Acess Terminal

Step 2: Type the following command to create a new user: sudo adduser username Step 3: Enter the desired username and password for the new user. The default password for Ubuntu is “ubuntu”. ..

Add a new user on Ubuntu 22.04

Step 2: In the terminal, type the adduser command and provide the user’s name. The user will be added to your system and be able to access all of your files and applications.

Step 2: The system will prompt you to input your user password as you run the command in order to complete it. Type the password you want to use to secure your newly formed user after that.

If you want to set the user’s password, you first need to provide some more information, such as the Full name of the user, phone number, and other important details. If you enter these values into the password field, then the system will ask if you’re sure they’re correct. If you hit the Enter key a few times until you get the “Is the information correct?” question, then your new user is created.

Check user added successfully or not

Step 2: If the user has not been created successfully, then use the given command to create the user: Step 3: To view all of the users in your system, use the given command: Step 4: To add a new user, use the given command: Step 5: To delete a user, use the given command: ..

To log in to your account, type the following command: ..

List all users on Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04

List all users: Step 2: Whereas to list all available services, we can use: List all services:

To ensure that only normal users can access your system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a normal user.
  2. Change the permissions on the file you want to protect.
  3. Save your changes and exit the account. ..

Assign Sudo to a user

Step 2: To give sudo rights to your newly created user, add the following line to your /etc/sudoers file: sudoers -a Step 3: To execute the command with sudo rights, add the following line to your /usr/bin/sudoers file: sudo -R myuser mycommand

Remove sudo rights

sudo -R Step 2: After you revoke or remove sudo access, you will need to re-login to the system in order to continue using it. To do so, use the following command: sudo login

Change user name

Step 2: The password can be easily changed using Step 3: The email address can be easily changed using Step 4: The website can be easily changed using The username, password, email address, and website can all be easily changed on the account’s settings page. ..

If you are the user name to be changed, please inactive your account.

Delete a user from Ubuntu 22.04

sudo apt-get purge –auto-remove user Step 2: If you want to keep the user on your system, then use the following command syntax: sudo adduser –disabled-password user ..

Add a User account using Ubuntu 22.04 GUI

Step 2:Enter your name and email address. Step 3:Click the “Create Account” button. After you create your account, you will be redirected to a login page. Enter your name and email address, and click the “Log In” button. ..

Step 3: The user’s password is set. This is a simple, easily remembered string that you will need to remember when logging in. There are no spaces in this. Step 4: The user’s email address is set. This is the email address that will be used to contact the user if there are any problems or questions during their account registration process. There are no spaces in this.

Step 3: Finally, controlling password distribution is still required. When a user logs in for the first time, you can let them choose their own password. For the new user, you can set it manually by yourself.

The strength of the password will evaluate by the system using colored bars. If you prefer to have a random password generated, click on the small icon at the end of the password field.

After you have set all the options, click on the Add button at the top right of the dialog. Provide your system password to execute the task. You will then be taken back to the main window. There you have another opportunity to check the settings for the new user account and, if necessary, to make corrections.

Final Words

To create a user in Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04, use the following steps:

  1. Open a Terminal window and type the following command to open a new user account: sudo adduser -s mynewuser
  2. Type the following command to create a new regular user account: sudo useradd -R mynewuser