How To Create Fake Screenshots – Guide

There are many ways to create fake screenshots, and it’s important to be careful about what you share online. If you believe everything you see, it’s time to be careful. There are fake screenshot generators online, apps and image editing tools that allow you to create fake Messenger chats, WhatsApp conversations, text messages, emails, tweets, Facebook posts, airline tickets, hotel bills, etc. People take fake screenshots just for fun - there are still many who do these things to trick people and cheat them.

With the screenshot feature on smartphones, anyone can capture the app’s internal images, record video frames or check a social media chat screen so that it can be used for specific purposes. There are some shortcuts or some apps on smartphones that can take screenshots, as well as options on PC to capture the screen. You can use these methods to create fake screenshots to shock your friends, show fake conversations with someone, etc. tricks, read the article below!

How to Create fake screenshots

Fake conversation on facebook

Facebook has a unique interface for conversations where the text appears heavily clean and it is not possible to create the fake copy of this design using Photoshop or other essential image editing programs. But here is a very simple tool that makes this task much easier and this app is “fake convo”. Just give access to your profile in this app and start filling in some areas like the text message, time, date, etc. and then create the desired fake screenshot from the options.

iPhone fake chat

If you want to create a fake conversation, you can use the web-based application “ifaketext”. Enter the general details of the conversation, then add your text messages for the recipient and sender (i.e. you) and proceed with the action button in the app which will create the fake screenshot with all the details you entered earlier. ..

fake android text message

The Fake Android Version app will help you create fake text messages on your Android phone. The process is the same as creating the fake iPhone conversation, but the only difference is that the screenshots that will be created will have a different default Android text message style interface.

fake facebook wall

The Wall Machine is a great tool for creating traditional Facebook-style screenshots. Just enter this device and play with the features to change different aspects of the screenshot like comments, likes, events, etc. according to your needs and then get started.

fake whatsapp chat

What said is a great app for Android devices that lets you take fake screenshots of WhatsApp conversations. Just like other tools or apps mentioned above for different app screenshots, this app also works in the same way and helps you to create real screenshots of WhatsApp conversations.

This is how you can create fake screenshots for different app interfaces. All of these screenshots are synchronized in the general interface of the respective application.

Final note

How to create fake screenshots in Windows 10 In order to create fake screenshots in Windows 10, you will need to use the Screenshot tool. This tool can be found under the Tools menu. To start the Screenshot tool, click on the Screenshot button. Once the Screenshot tool is open, you will need to select a screenshot target. You can either choose a specific window or device, or you can take a screenshot of your entire screen. Once you have selected a screenshot target, you will need to click on the TakeScreenshot button. When you click on the TakeScreenshot button, the Screenshot tool will start taking your screenshot. The process of taking a screenshot can take some time, so be patient. Once the Screenshot tool has finished taking your screenshot, it will show your image onscreen. You can now share your fake screenshot with your friends by clicking on the Share button next to your image.