Guide: How to Design an Animated Favicon Loader using JavaScript

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating an animated favicon. First, make sure that the animation is smooth and consistent across all devices. Second, make sure that the favicon is easy to find and use on different devices. Finally, be sure to credit the original creator of the favicon if you use it.

A constantly moving favicon is an annoyance for most users and also impairs accessibility. When only animated for a short time in response to user action or a background event, like loading a page, this can provide additional visual information, which can improve the user experience.

In this post, I’ll show you how to create an animated circular loader in an HTML canvas. You can use it as a favicon. A circular loader is a great tool to visualize the progress of an action performed on a page, such as uploading files or processing images.

1. Make it -element

Next, we must create a basic shape for the arch. This shape will be the basic structure of the animation. It will be a simple rectangle with a 100 percent width and height. Next, we must create two circles that will act as the arch’s supports. The circles must have a diameter that is equal to or greater than the width of the rectangle’s main circle. Finally, we must create a line that connects both of the circles and runs through their centers. This line should be long and thin, so it doesn’t obscure any of the rectangle’s edges.

Button with a loading indicator

I’m using the standard favicon size, 16 * 16 pixels, for the canvas. You can use a size larger if desired, but keep in mind that the canvas image will be reduced to the 162 pixel area when applied as a favicon.

2. Check that is supported

We get a reference to the canvas element using the querySelector() method, and refer to its 2D drawing context object using the getContext() method.

ctx.fillStyle = ‘#ffffff’; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100); } onload = function () { = ‘none’;};

ctx = new Context();

We must make sure that the canvas is supported by the UA by checking if the drawing context object exists and is not undefined. If it is not defined, we will post code associated with the load event in this condition.

3. Create the initial variables

Let’s create three global variables, s for the starting angle of the arc, tc for the id for the setInterval () timer, and PCT for percentage value of the same timer. The code tc = pct = 0 assigns 0 as the initial value for these variables. ..

ctx.fillStyle = ‘#ffffff’; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100); } onload = function () { = ‘none’;};

If the context is set to 1.5Math.PI, then the value of ctx will be 1.5Math.PI. If the context is not set, then ctx will be 0.

Arc angles are a measure of how much the sun’s rays cross each other. They are measured in degrees, with 0 degrees being the angle between the sun and the horizon. The value of arc angle is important because it affects how bright a light source is. For example, if you have an arc light that has a 90 degree angle between its arms, then the light will be brighter than if it had an angle of only 30 degrees.

The angle composed of the two rays defining an arc is 2π rad. This makes it angle for a quarter arc equal to 0.5π rad.

When visualizing the loading progress, we want the circle to be drawn from the top position instead of the standard duty.

The clockwise direction on the canvas is due to the fact that the top point of the arc is located at an angle 1.5π from the vertical. This is why I created a variable called s = 1.5 * Math.PI to indicate when the starting angle for arcs should be drawn from on the canvas.

Style the circle

The lineWidth property defines the width of the line that will be drawn in the drawing context object. The color of this line will be determined by the strokeStyle property.

ctx.fillStyle = ‘#ffffff’; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100); } onload = function () { = ‘none’;};

ctx = new Context(); ctx.setAttribute(“src”, “"); ctx.setAttribute(“type”, “text”); if (!ctx) {s = 1; tc = pct = 0; } else { // Set the context so that the given context can be used for the given task ctx = new Context(); // Use the given context to do the task ctx.setAttribute(“src”, “${pct}/${name}"); // Use the given context to do a task that uses a different name than what was provided, if needed ctx = new Context(); // Use the provided context to do a task that uses a different type of resource than what was provided, if needed }

The main point of this article is that you can use a CSS property called lineWidth to change the width of a line in your document. This will make the text more legible and easier to read.

5. Draw the circle

We add a click event handler to the load button which activates a 60 millisecond setInterval timer, which performs the function responsible for drawing the circle every 60 ms until the circle is completely drawn.

The tc variable can be used to control the timer assigned to it. The setInterval () method returns a timer id to identify the timer assigned to the tc variable. = ‘none’; } When the onload event is fired, the cv object retrieves the ctx object and sets its style display property to “none” to hide it from view. ..

If the context is set to 1.5Math.PI, then the value of ctx will be set to 1.5Math.PI, and the document.querySelector(‘#lbtn’) will be called with that value as its argument.

The main point of this article is that you can use a CSS property to change the line width of an element. This property is called ctx.lineWidth and it can be set to a value of 2 or 3.

The addEventListener() function will fire every 60 seconds to update the loader.

6. Create the custom function updateLoader ()

It’s time to create a custom updateLoader () function that must be called by the setInterval () method when the button is clicked. I’ll show you the code first, then we can move on to the explanation.

This function updates the loader, which is used to load web pages.

If the percentage is 100, then clearInterval will be called every 100 milliseconds.

The clearRect() method clears the rectangular area of the canvas defined by its parameters: (x, y) coordinates of the top left corner. The clearRect(0, 0, 16, 16) line knows everything in the 16 * 16 pixel canvas we created. ..

The beginPath () method creates a new path for the drawing and the stroke () method paints on that newly created path.

At the end of the updateLoader () function, if the percentage count [pct] is 100 percent, then the setInterval () timer (identified by the timer id, tc) has been erased and will not fire again until another call to updateLoader () is made.

The arc method is a way to create a smooth curve by using the (x, y) coordinates of the center of the arc and its radius. The fourth and fifth parameters represent the start and end angles where the drawing of the arc begins and ends. ..

We have already determined the starting point of the loader circle, which is at the angle s, and it will be the same in all iterations.

The equation above states that if we increase the angle by 1% (the value is 1 of 100), then the angle will increase by 2π.

The mathematical constant α is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. ..

There has been much discussion lately about whether or not rearranging the equation is a good idea. Some people believe that it can help students learn more effectively, while others say that it can be confusing and lead to incorrect conclusions. The debate over rearranging the equation is likely to continue for some time, but there is no clear answer as to whether or not it is a good idea. ..

The value of α is 2π / 100.

So 1% is equal to the angle 2π / 100 in a circle. So the end angle during each percentage increase is calculated by multiplying 2π / 100 by the percentage valueThen the result added to s (start angle), so the arches are drawn from the same starting position every time. So we used the formula pct * 2 * Math.PI / 100 + s to calculate the end angle in the above code snippet. ..

7. Add the favicon


In the updateLoader () function, we first get the favicon using the querySelector () method and assign it to the variable lnk. Then we have to export the canvas image every time an arc is drawn in an encrypted image by using the toDataURL () method, and assign that data URI content as the favicon imageThis creates an animated favicon containing the same as the canvas loader = ‘none’; } When the onload event is fired, the cv object retrieves the ctx object and sets its style display property to “none” to hide it from view. ..

If the context is set to “1.5 * Math.PI”, then the value of ctx will be 1.5 * Pi, and the value of tc will be 0. The value of btn will be “document.querySelector(‘# lbtn’)”, and the value of lnk will be “document.querySelector(‘link[rel=”icon”]”).

The main point of this article is that you can use a CSS property to change the line width of an element. This property is called ctx.lineWidth and it can be set to a value of 2 or 3.

btn.addEventListener(‘click’, function() {tc = setInterval(updateLoader, 60);}); ..

This function updates the loader, which is used to load web pages.

Link.href = cv.toDataURL (‘image/png’);

If the percentage is 100, then clearTimeout will be called once and the function will return.

In a recent article, I explored how to create a custom React component for your app. This article will walk you through how to create a simple React component that renders an image. To begin, you’ll need to clone the repository and install the dependencies. Then, you’ll need to create a new file in your project called src/components/image.js: import React from ‘react’; import Image from ‘./image’; class ImageComponent { constructor(props) { this.props = props; } render() { return ( ); } } Next, you’ll need to add the component to your app’s root stateless component file: stateless({ // … imageComponent: Image });

Bonus: use the loader for asynchronous events

When to use this canvas animation in combination with a loading action On a web page, assign the updateLoader() function as the event handler for the progress() event of the action. This will ensure that the animation is updated as the page loads. ..

AJAX will change the JavaScript in this way in response to an event.

ctx.fillStyle = ‘#ffffff’; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100); } onload = function () { = ‘none’;};


} else {s = 1; lnk = null;} If the context is true, then the sine function will return 1.5*Math.PI. If the context is false, then the sine function will return 1. ..

The main point of this article is that you can use a CSS property called lineWidth to change the width of a line in your document. This will make it easier to see the lines in your document and make it easier to create graphics.

XMLHttpRequest is a new API that allows you to send requests over the internet. This API is used by websites to send updates to their users.

updateLoader updates the loader on the page.

In a new browser window, load the image file “png” from the website cv. Then, in the same window, type this code: lnk.href = cv.toDataURL (‘image / png’); ..

In the arc() method, replace the percentage value [pct] with the loaded property of the event—It tells you how much of the file has been loaded, and instead of 100, use the total property of the ProgressEvent, which indicates the total amount to be loaded.

In some cases, there is no need for a setInterval() function. For example, the progress event is fired automatically as loading progresses.

How to Design an Animated Favicon Loader using JavaScript: benefits


Final note

This guide will show you how to design an animated favicon loader using JavaScript. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us. Additionally, please share this article with your friends and family so they can also benefit from it.

If you have any questions about the guide “How to Design an Animated Favicon Loader using JavaScript,” please comment below or contact us directly. This guide is for educational purposes only. If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide, please contact us. If you want to add an alternate method to the guide, please contact us. Our contact page is available for questions about the guide or software updates. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp for your questions. We answer questions within 24-48 hours (weekend off). ..