How To Create a Git Branch – Guide

  1. Branching for development: When you are working on a project and want to make changes to it, you can branch off of the main branch and work on a specific part of the project. This is useful when you know that there are some changes that need to be made in a specific part of the codebase before the rest of the codebase can be used.
  2. Branching for testing: When you are testing a new feature or bug fix, you can branch off of the main branch and work on specific test cases. This is useful when you know that there are some changes that need to be made in a specific part of the codebase before the rest of the codebase can be used.
  3. Branching for production: When you want to release a new version of your software, or when you want to make sure that all your users have the latest version of your software, you can branch off of the main branch and work on different branches for different parts of your software. This is useful when you know that there are some changes that need to be made in a specific part of your software before it can be used in production.

Create Git branch using checkout

To create a new Git branch:

  1. Use the “git checkout” command with the “-b” option to create a new branch.
  2. Specify the name of the branch you want to create.

To create a new Git branch called “feature”, you will run the command “git checkout -b feature”.

You can use the “git checkout -b” command to create a new branch without switching to the new one automatically.

Create Git branch without switching

To create a new Git branch without switching to it, you must use the command “git branch” and specify the name of the Git branch to be created. ..

Later, you can switch to your new Git branch using the “git checkout” function.

To create a branch called “feature”, you would use the following command: git branch -f feature

You can inspect the branches of a project by running the “git branch -a” command.

If you want to keep working on the same branch but switch to a different one, you can use the checkout command again. ..

Create Git branch from commit

To create a Git branch from a specific commit in your Git history, use the git checkout command with the -b flag. The flag tells Git to create a new branch based on the specified commit. ..

To create a Git branch from a commit, use the “git checkout” command with the “-b” option and specify the branch name as well as the commit from which to create your branch. If you want to create a new branch for a specific project, use the “git push” command instead.

git branch -b mynewbranch SHA commit

To create a Git branch from a specific commit in your Git history, you can use the following command: git branch –oneline

git branch -m “2fcb99”

The HEAD branch of the Git repository has been updated with a commit message that changes the version number of a file in that repository. The commit message for the latest revision of the HEAD branch is as follows: commit 3* f2fcb99 Commit 2* cab6e1b (origin/master) master: initial commit

git log -n2

Congratulations on your successful Git branch creation!

The HEAD branch of the Git repository contains the latest changes to the codebase. The commit 2* cab6e1b (source/master) master: initial commit is a new version of the codebase that has been created from scratch.

Create Git branch from tag

In this tutorial, we will see how to create a Git branch from an existing tag.

To create a new Git branch from a tag, use the “git checkout” command with the “-b” option and specify the branch name as well as the tag name for your new branch. If you want to create a branch that is based on an existing tag, use the “git push” command instead.

If you want to switch branches in Git, you can use “git branch” with the branch name and the tag name.

To create a new Git branch from a tag called “v1.0” in your history, use the “git branch” command. Alternatively, you can use the “git log” command to identify a tag associated with a commit.

To create a new branch from your tag, use the “git checkout” command. ..

You can inspect your Git history to make sure that your new branch was actually created from the tag. Alternatively, you could have used the “git branch” to create this branch.

Final note

This guide will show you how to create a Git branch in your project. If you have any query about this article, please ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.