How to Convert Files on Linux Command Line using Pandoc – Guide

Pandoc can convert a variety of document formats, including .docx, .pdf, and .html. This makes it an ideal tool for conversion tasks, as it can convert any document format into one of the many available formats. For example, Markdown files can be converted to .html, and PDFs can be converted to .pdf.

How to Use pandoc to convert files on Linux command line

Configuring Pandoc

Pandoc is a free and open source software library for creating and editing documents. It can be used to create documents of all types, including articles, books, and even websites. Pandoc is easy to use and can be customized to your needs.

Installing Pandoc on Linux-based operating systems is easy. There are a number of ways to install Pandoc, depending on your operating system and preferences. Some popular methods include using package managers, downloading pre-compiled binaries, or compiling from source. ..

sudo apt-get install pandoc is a command line tool that allows you to convert text from one format to another. ..

sudo dnf install pandoc is a command line tool that allows you to convert between different formats of text. ..

sudo pacman -Syu installs pandoc, a document formatting tool. ..

pandoc -V

Use Pandoc without any files

Pandoc is a software program that can be used to write text-based documents. It is easy to use and can be used to create documents of all types.

When you are finished writing, you can press Ctrl+D to tell Pandoc that you are done. ..

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the basic concepts of the Markdown language.

The output is usually in HTML format to Markdown format.


Open the terminal and type “pandoc” to open the pandoc command line recorder.


  1. Introduction
  2. Thesis
  3. Discussion
  4. Conclusion
  5. Introduction: This paper is about the idea of a “digital divide.” It is important to understand the concept before moving on to discuss how it can be addressed in our society. The digital divide refers to the difference in access to technology and economic opportunities that exist between those who have access to technology and those who don’t. There are many ways that this divide can be addressed, but one of the most important ways is by creating a more equal society where everyone has access to technology and economic opportunities.
  6. Thesis: In order for there to be a digital divide, there must be a difference in access to technology and economic opportunities between those who have access and those who don’t have access to it. This difference can be created by different things such as unequal funding for education, lack of job opportunities for people with less education, or simply having different levels of technological experience or ability (e.g., using an iPhone instead of a computer). In order for there to be a digital divide, we must work together as a society in order to make sure that everyone has equal opportunity when it comes to accessing technology and economic opportunities.
Generating HTML Output

HTML Output

Generating HTML Output:

Basics of Markdown

In the wake of the Parkland shooting, many students are calling for stricter gun control laws. Some lawmakers are listening, and are proposing new legislation that would make it more difficult for people with mental health issues to obtain firearms. Many students are calling for stricter gun control laws in the wake of the Parkland shooting. Some lawmakers are listening, and are proposing new legislation that would make it more difficult for people with mental health issues to obtain firearms. ..

Blockquoted header

“The school board is considering a proposal to arm teachers and staff.” This is the blockquote text. This is block citation text. ..

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced on Twitter that he would be imposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. This move is a response to the U.S. trade deficit with China and other countries. The tariffs will go into effect on March 1st.

-In the wake of the Parkland shooting, lawmakers are debating new gun control measures. -The debate over gun control has been ongoing for years. -Gun control is a hot topic in the United States. ..

Do not use a horizontal rule to break up a sentence with three or more hyphens, asterisks or underscores. Instead, use a paragraph break. ..

Forcing a line break can help to improve readability and clarity of text.

A link here is a hyperlink.

Lists: Unordered list with bullets -> more, hyphens or asterisks as list bullets

Example :

One, two, three. This is how many times the output will be repeated. ..

Create a Markdown file

mkdir -p /tmp/test

cd /tmp/test

curl -L | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update && apt-get install mdn-js


Markdown file

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Markdown?
  3. How to use Markdown?
  4. Some examples of Markdown usage
  5. Conclusion ..

The vi editor will open the file in a terminal based text editor and fill it with some markup as mentioned below.

Use the “:wq” command to save the file. ..

converting files

pandoc -o sample.html -t html pandoc -o sample.html -t md

After the conversion is complete, you will be able to see a new file in the folder called “sample.html” that is different from the one that was in your original document.

This file contains a document with markdown content.

lynx -o This will open the file in a web browser on your computer

sudo apt install lynx -> to open a web page in lynx. ..

Specifying file formats

pandoc -f markdown -t latex -s -o sample.tex The output will be in the “markdown” format. The “tex” format will be used for the text and the “md” format will be used for the metadata.

The extension of the University of Utah is currently seeking applicants for a new research program. The program, which is expected to begin in Fall 2019, will focus on the study of religious extremism. The University of Utah is looking for students who are interested in studying religious extremism. This new research program is expected to start in Fall 2019. ..

Latex is a document preparation system that allows for the creation of documents in a variety of formats, including PDF and LaTeX. Latex is typically used by scientists, mathematicians, and other professionals who require a high degree of precision and control when formatting their documents. With the standalone option, users can generate all the Latex preamble needed to complete a document without having to use any other software. This saves time and ensures that all formatting is correct. ..

Generating PDFs

Pandoc is a program that uses the LatTeX pdf engine to generate pdfs. It is recommended to install a LatTeX editor to satisfy all dependencies correctly. The easy-to-use editor is “Texmaker.” To install Pandoc on various Linux based operating systems, Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install texmakerFedora: sudo dnf install texmakerManjaro: sudo pacman -Syu texmaker ..

easy steps

pandoc -o sample.odt –reference-doc=odt-template.odt

Open the LibreOffice document in LibreOffice writer and save it as a pdf.

Final note

How to Convert Files on Linux Command Line using Pandoc In this guide, we will be discussing how to convert files on the Linux command line using the pandoc tool. pandoc is a free and open source converter that can help you easily convert between different formats including PDF, DOC, TXT, EPUB, and more. If you are not familiar with pandoc or want to explore its features further, we recommend reading our Introduction to Pandoc or watching our How to Convert Files on Linux Command Line Using Pandoc Tutorial for more information. In this guide, we will be concentrating on converting PDFs and DOCs. However, the process of converting other types of files is just as easy and can be completed in a similar way. So let’s get started! To start off, we need to install pandoc on our system. To do so, run the following command: sudo apt-get install pandoc