How to check your laptop battery health in Windows 10 PC – Guide

Windows 10 laptops have a battery report feature that breaks if the battery is still working or is at the limit. With a few simple commands you can generate an HTML file with battery usage data, capacity history and life estimates. If you need to replace it, this report will warn you long before it can fail.

How to check your laptop battery health

  1. Open the Start Menu and type “cmd”.
  2. Type “netstat -a” and press Enter.
  3. Look for the line that says “Ports: [Port Name]” and look for the number that matches your device’s port number. For example, if your device has a port number of 3, then the line would look like this: Ports: 3

Select “Run as administrator.”

Windows PowerShell is a powerful tool that can be used to manage your computer and its resources. You can use it to manage tasks such as creating new folders, changing the settings of your computer, and more.

When the blue PowerShell window appears, type or paste powercfg / batteryreport into it.

The PowerShell cmdlet will generate a battery report and save it to your computer.

Windows 10 includes a new search feature that allows you to search for files and folders on your computer. ..

This PC application opens.

Unit C is a device that can be used to measure distance. ..

On the page that opens, you will see a table with six columns. The first column is labeled “Date.” The second column is labeled “Time.” The third column is labeled “Battery Level.” The fourth column is labeled “Status.” The fifth column is labeled “Message.” To view the report, click on the “View Report” link in the fifth column. ..

This will open up the battery report that the PowerShell program generated. In this report, you can see your laptop’s battery specs, whenever it was used most recently in the last three days, the estimated average battery life based on past battery discharges, and other statistics. If the battery report shows signs of damage or deterioration, the report will notify you and recommend battery replacement.

Final note

This guide will show you how to check your laptop battery health in Windows 10 PC. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us in the comments below. Additionally, please share this article with your friends if you enjoyed it! ..