How to Change your Default Account in Google Chrome – Guide
If you’re looking to change your Gmail account for any reason, like a new job, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to change your default Google account. This means that all of your emails will be sent from this account first, before any other accounts you have set up with Google. If you want to continue using older accounts with Google, you can easily switch between them by following these steps: First, open the Google Account settings on your computer. You can find this by going to and clicking on the “Your Account” link at the top of the page. Next, click on the “Default Accounts” tab at the top of the page. Here, you’ll see a list of all of your current Gmail accounts and which one is currently set as your default account. To change which account is your default, just click on the name of the account you want to use as your new default and it will be activated immediately. ..
To set up a new default account on your device, follow these steps:
- Log in to your device and open the Settings app.
- Under Accounts and Passwords, tap Default Accounts.
- Tap the plus sign next to the account you want to set as your default.
- Enter your password and tap OK.
- Your new default account will be activated and ready to use! ..
How to change default google account in seconds
If you want to set the default Google account in Chrome, you need to understand how to choose the default account first. There is no setting in your Google account that allows you to choose this. Instead, Google uses the initial account you signed in with as the “default” Google account.
Click on the “Photos” tab and select the photo of your choice.
Select Sign In to sign in to this Google account. ..
Now that you’re not signed in to any Google accounts, you can login to your first account. This will be the default Google Account. Select Sign in at the top right corner of the Google search page to do this.
Now you want to select or add your default Google account. If you’ve never signed in before, you’ll need to select Use another account. Otherwise, select the account. ..
After logging in, you will see the default profile picture displayed for this new account.
Use multiple google accounts
If you want to sign in to a secondary account on Google, first select the profile picture and then choose the other account. If you sign in to the second Google Account, your original account will remain the default. You can see this by selecting the profile photo again.
If you’re signed in to two different Google accounts, one for the Google app you’re using and one for other services, opening a new tab will switch to using your default account for that service. ..
Use Google Chrome to manage multiple accounts
If you close Chrome while it’s signed in, it will automatically log in to your account the next time you open it.
Select Guest to use Google Chrome without any accounts. This is useful when you don’t want bookmarks, search history, or browser history recorded in any of your Google accounts. ..
Add a new Google account to your Chrome browser. By doing this, you can assign the account a unique profile picture so that you can recognize it.
If you want to create a new account, click on the “Create account” link in the top right corner of the main Chrome window. If you already have a Google account, clicking on the “Sign in” link in the top right corner of the main Chrome window will open a new browser window connected to that account. ..
Final note
Chrome users can easily change their default account by following these simple steps. ..