How to Change Alexa’s Voice – Guide

Alexa can do a lot more than just play music. You can change her voice, add accents, and even add celebrity voices to make her sound more unique.

How to change Alexa voice on your Echo devices

There are a few ways to easily change the voice on your Echo devices. The easiest way is to use the device itself. You can do this by going to the Alexa app and selecting “Change Voice” from the main menu. Alternatively, you can also do this by using the Alexa app. Although changing voice on your Echo is most advisable through the app.

Step by step guide to change Alexa’s voice on Echo or Echo show:

Turn on your device and enjoy the content you love.

Alexa, change your voice.

If there are multiple Echo devices, Alexa will ask you to specify which one you want to talk to.

After that, specify the device on which you want to change the voice.

If the previous step is successful, Alexa will respond with a new voice that is more human-like.

If Alexa can’t change the voice, it will say something like “Sorry, [name of your device] can’t stand it.”

Step by step guide to change Alexa voice via the iOS and Android app:

There you will find a list of all the devices on your network. From here, you can manage and configure each device. ..

Echo and Alexa: The Echo and Alexa Button

To change Alexa’s voice on a specific device, select that device from the list.

Settings button at the top right corner

To enable Alexa voice commands on your Fire TV, you’ll first need to scroll down to the Alexa’s Voice option and click on it. After that, you’ll be able to use your voice to control various aspects of your TV. ..

You can now choose a female voice or a new male voice.

Step by step guide to change Alexa voice to celebrity voice:

Alexa, please introduce me (celebrity name). ..

Alexa will now switch to the celebrity voice you selected and explain the things you can do with it.

After purchasing the voice, you can say “Hey (celebrity name)!” to wake up the Echo device.

To use the Echo on a different voice network, you’ll first need to activate the voice on each Echo. ..

Final note

This guide will show you how to change Alexa’s voice. If you have any query about this article, you may ask us. Additionally, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.