How to Change Team/Pro­file Pic­ture and Name in Microsoft Teams – Guide

One of the most important things to keep in mind when using Microsoft Teams is that you need to have a profile picture. This is so that people can easily find you when they need to reply to a message or raise their hand. However, there are some complications with this feature. For example, if you do not have a profile picture, your messages will not show up in the chat window and you will not be able to reply. Additionally, if you change your profile picture and then forget to update it, your new profile picture will be used instead of your old one.

One popular online conferencing platform is Google Meet. If you’re a Google employee, you can use it to hold meetings with your team or with other employees from other companies. You can also use it to communicate with customers or partners. Another popular online conferencing platform is Slack. Slack is a communication app that’s used by many businesses to communicate with their employees. You can use it to hold meetings, chat with customers, and more. A third popular online conferencing platform is Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is a communication app that’s used by many businesses to communicate with their employees. You can use it to hold meetings, chat with customers, and more.

Below are steps to change team names / profiles in MS teams

How to change account picture in Microsoft Teams


Change your profile photo to a more personal image.

Upload an image of your article.

The new image is a photo of a woman. She is wearing a hijab, and her face is hidden. She looks peaceful and content.

When you click on the Open button, a dialog box will appear. In the dialog box, you will see a list of files. Select the file you want to open. When you select the file, the file will be opened and displayed in the window. ..

Change the team name in Microsoft Teams

To change the team name, open the Microsoft Teams app and go to the Teams options in the left sidebar. Next, click on the Edit team button. ..

After choosing the editing team, a pop-up will open. ..

Now, lastly, you must enter the name of your desired team in this pop-up and save it by clicking on the completed option.

Change team image in Microsoft Teams

If you want to join a team, first login to the website and then click on the team option.

After that, you’ll see your default team image defined by the Microsoft teams app. Click on it and you can change it. This is a quick way to do this, but if it doesn’t work, follow the other steps provided below.

The three dots next to the name of the management team for your chosen team will now open up. Click on the one you want to manage.

You will see different options on the new screen. Choose the configuration option and click on the team image option.

After clicking on the team image option, you can see the image change option that allows you to choose between a standard or high-resolution image.

If you’re having trouble setting up your team, don’t worry - it’s a temporary error and will disappear after some time. If it doesn’t go away, try with another PC or Mobile Phone. ..

Final note

Microsoft Teams is a great way to manage your team and their work. However, if you want to change the team or profile picture, you may need some help. In this guide, we will show you how to change the team or profile picture in Microsoft Teams. We will also show you how to name your team and give it a better name.