How to Buy Movie Tickets with Google Assistant – Guide

Google is trying to make it easier to buy tickets with voice, using its Duplex AI. This feature focuses on using natural conversations to accomplish real-world tasks. For example, you can say, “Ok Google, showtimes for [movie] in New York this weekend” and then select a theater and time before asking the Assistant to “buy tickets”. Assistant can also interact with over 70 movie theaters and ticketing services through Chrome.

Assistant can now browse these sites on its own using Chrome, only requiring your input for details like seat selection. If you have your payment details stored in Chrome, Assistant can also fill them in for the purchase of the selected movie once you are done browsing. Then just confirm the payment and the tickets are reserved. Movie tickets are just the beginning of this new Assistant and Duplex combo, and Google plans to tackle car rental next. If it doesn’t fail, Assistant will be able to serve any website and book any service imaginable in a few years, which would make it quite a powerful convenience. ..

How to buy movie tickets with Google Assistant

Google, buy me tickets to the movie “The Fault in Our Stars.”

Google Assistant will show theater showtimes in nearby locations.

You can now buy tickets to select movie theaters through the app. ..

Google will ask you to confirm to buy tickets. You can say how many tickets you want or tap on the available selections: 1 adult, 2 adults, 1 adult and 1 child.

Google will provide a summary of the order, including its cost. ..

To place an order, you’ll need to scan your fingerprint to confirm the purchase. ..

Final note

Google has just released a guide on how to buy movie tickets with its Assistant. The guide is designed to help you save money on your next movie outing. If you’re looking for a way to save money on your movie tickets, this guide is perfect for you!