How to Prevent Legitimate Emails from Marked as Spam – Guide

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably asked yourself this question: Why are my emails going to spam? In this article, we’ll show you how to prevent your emails from reaching spam and some tips for avoiding spam filters. If your hard work writing email is wasted every time an email gets filtered into a subscriber’s spam folder, it would be a shame not to take steps to avoid it. According to research by Return Path, spam filters are more stringent than ever, with one in five emails not making it to the inbox. ..

Statistics like these are scary when it comes to putting up an email marketing strategy. But don’t worry; we have your back. We don’t want your emails to become just another statistic, so we’ve put this together guide to help you keep them out of the spam folder and in your recipients’ inboxes. So without further ado, here are 12 things you should do to keep your emails out of the spam folder. ..

How to Prevent legitimate emails from being marked as spam

1. Ask subscribers to whitelist their email address

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! all work hard to ensure that their email programs’ spam filters don’t catch emails from people in their contacts. These companies rightly assume that if an email is from someone in their contacts, it’s not spam. ..

To ensure your emails receive preferential treatment, ask your subscribers to whitelist your emails by adding your “From” address to their contacts or safe senders list. We recommend including instructions and screenshots illustrating how to do this as you should not assume that all your subscribers have the technical proficiency to whitelist emails. ..

To ensure that all of your emails are treated with the utmost care, include whitelisting instructions in the first welcome email you send to new subscribers. ..

2. Always get permission to send emails

If you receive an email from an unknown sender, it’s best to mark it as spam without even opening it. By doing this, your email service will automatically remove the spam from your inbox and you’ll be less likely to receive future emails from this sender.

Sending unsolicited marketing emails to people without their permission is not a recipe for long-term business success. If you want to convince subscribers to buy from you, you want them to be involved and interested. Random email recipients aren’t either; they are indifferent at best and most likely annoyed when they receive an email from someone they don’t know. Always get permission before sending an email; it is the best practice both ethically and financially. ..

3. Follow the laws governing email marketing

The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that regulates the sending of commercial emails. It sets out specific rules about what you can and can’t do in order to send emails that are not considered spam. You must use reasonable care when sending emails, and you must ensure that your email is not likely to cause harm to anyone.

  1. Know is not from a known or authorized source
  2. Uses an excessive amount of advertising or promotional content
  3. Contains false or misleading information
  4. Is not from the person it purports to be from ..

Dear recipient, I hope you are well. I am writing to ask for your permission to send you a message without your knowledge or consent. I believe this is necessary in order to protect both our relationship and the privacy of those involved. If you are not happy with this arrangement, please let me know and I will remove the message as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Do not include a mailing address when sending mail. ..

Mystery solved? Not so fast!

Your email will be sent to all recipients, even if you choose not to include a way to opt out. ..

Most email marketing programs automatically turn off your address when you sign up, but you should be careful with your subject lines. We’ll explore this in more detail later in this post. ..

4. Use a reputable email marketing program

One sign that spam filters are on the lookout when trying to capture messages is to check the IP address associated with the sending email address and see if there are any spam complaints associated with it. If so, legitimate email addresses may be flagged simply because of the association.

To ensure your emails are delivered to the intended recipients, use a reputable email provider. All major providers take steps to prevent spammers from using their platforms, which helps ensure that malicious actions by spammers do not impair the deliverability of your emails.

In order to avoid common spam triggers, it is important to use the best email marketing software providers. Some of the best providers include MailChimp, Hootsuite, and MailChimp Pro. These companies have features that help you avoid common spam triggers, such as not including a physical address or using a sending email address that looks suspicious.

5. Review your emails

If your emails appear to have been hastily written, this could be a red flag for spam filters. If a typo appears in your emails occasionally, it won’t cause any serious problems. But if your emails are riddled with typos, grammar errors, and phrases that sound out of breath, there’s a risk that spam filters will stop them. ..

Hi there, We noticed that you have visited our website and entered your personal information. We would like to ask if you would be interested in learning more about our company and its products. Would you be interested in learning more about our company and its products? If you are interested in learning more about our company and its products, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Would you like to learn more about our company and its products?

Spammers often use poor grammar and formatting to make their emails look more legitimate. If you’re not comfortable with your grammatical skills, find someone you trust to proofread your emails for you, or at least use a program like Grammarly to catch basic grammatical errors. ..

6. Don’t write spammy subject lines

While in the past, there were specific “spam trigger” lists words” to avoid in your marketing emails, spam filters are now more sophisticated. So, instead of focusing on words that you should avoid, it’s best to think more holistically and make sure you don’t write spammy subject lines.

This is a screenshot of a spam folder in Gmail. The subject line is “Mystery Shopping.”

Some of the email marketers of these brands chose to write in a way that made it difficult to determine if the emails were from legitimate brands or not. The most common type of text in these emails was money-related, with many emails promising discounts or money-saving opportunities.

This means that you should never send emails with subject lines offering discounts or offers. This is a sign that you should be careful with these types of subject lines. For more information, you can consult our guide to email subject line best practices.

7. Clear abandoned email addresses from your list

One way to determine if you are sending spam email content is to see how many emails you are sending that are active. If the percentage is too low, this could be a sign that you are not sending spam email content.

To ensure this doesn’t happen, you should regularly remove addresses associated with email accounts that don’t appear to be active. If someone hasn’t opened your emails in a long time, it’s probably safe to remove them from your list. You can think of it like pruning a tree. You cut small pieces now to ensure the continued overall health of the organism.

If you have low email open rates in general, you may need to rethink your overall email marketing strategy, as this could indicate a deeper problem than just a few inactive email addresses.

8. Use a spam checking tool

A recent study found that a majority of emails sent through Gmail are still valid, but it would be great if there was a way to tell if they were likely to be caught by spam filters. This study found that email addresses with high spam scores are more likely to receive an automated message from Gmail telling them to update their spam blocker.

Email-based spam filtering service Emailable offers users a report on the likelihood of their email going to a recipient’s spam folder, so you can avoid any unpleasant surprises. ..

9. Have a clear return address

If your sender address looks suspicious, it may be flagged as spam. Make sure your sender address is easy to read and doesn’t contain any random characters. ..

To avoid getting spam, we recommend only sending emails from people’s names or your company’s name. This is more personal than sending emails with random characters, which people associate with automated emails, not personalized, enticing offers. ..

10. Send emails to your subscribers regularly

If you only send email newsletters, you risk subscribers forgetting who you are or why they signed up. If that happens, they can unsubscribe or even mark your email as spam when they finally hear from you.

In order to keep your subscribers informed of your latest updates, you should send them emails at least once a week. However, it is important to provide value in each email, so you don’t just send out the same messages over and over again. You should make sure to include new information, tips, or offers that your subscribers will find valuable.

If you can add value to your subscribers’ lives through your newsletters, you’re going to be more likely to keep them.

11. Make it easy to unsubscribe

Making it easy for your subscribers to unsubscribe from your email list might seem like a counter-intuitive suggestion, but it’s key to complying with the CAN-SPAM Act and ensuring subscribers trust you. While complying with the law is your top priority, including a way to unsubscribe also shows subscribers that you trust the value of your content. After all, if you don’t think your emails are great, why would you send them in the first place?

Some brands take the trust approach to the extreme, putting an unsubscribe button in the header as well as in the footer of your emails. While you can do this, there is also a risk that people will unsubscribe without reading the email or clicking the button. ..

Most ecommerce entrepreneurs find that a standard discrete unsubscribe button in the email footer is the way to go. This is because it is a common feature that is already built into most email marketing software. ..

12. Be honest

The CAN-SPAM Act prohibits sending deceptive emails, but it’s important to be honest in your email marketing. Don’t write subject lines that trick people into opening your messages. ..

When you send out your email, make sure it’s clear and concise. Use strong subject lines and avoid anything that could be seen as threatening or alarming. You should also avoid using cheap tricks like these, as this will not help you build a good relationship with your subscribers. Instead, focus on creating value for them. When you make a great offer, the money will take care of itself.

To help you avoid ending up in spam, here are some tips to follow:

  • Make sure your email content is relevant and of value to your subscribers.
  • Avoid sending emails that are promotional in nature or that contain links to websites that you do not own or control.
  • Use a valid email address when registering for an account with a third party, such as an online marketplace.
  • Do not send unsolicited emails to people who have not contacted you first. ..

Our Resources page provides helpful guides and tutorials to help you maximize your email marketing returns.

Final note

This guide is designed to help you prevent emails from being marked as spam, and to help you spread the word about how to be a better email sender. If you have any questions or queries about this article, please don’t hesitate to ask us. Additionally, please share this guide with your friends so that they can also benefit from it.