How to ask iPhone and iPad Apps not to Track Around the Web – Guide

Apple has updated the App Store to require that all apps detail what they track in order to target ads. This has caused some app developers to protest, notably Facebook, which relies on tracking to target ads. Your Apple device tracks what you do in apps using anodized identifiers – that means Facebook can show you ads for the item you just searched for on eBay. Google has a similar thing called Google Advertising ID. These essentially link your activities in such a way that you cannot be personally identified.

Facebook argues that tracking offers a “better advertising experience” but has already warned investors that Apple’s move could harm its advertising business. Apps cannot circumvent App Store rules that require you to request this permission and restrict the app’s functionality depending on whether you’ve granted permission to track. Likewise, they cannot share other information, such as an email address or username, with others.

iOS 15 update has introduced a new setting that will be enabled by default, but you can adjust it to suit your needs.

In this screen, you can control how your data is tracked by Google. You can choose to have your data tracked anonymously, or track it with information about where you are located.

If you enable the “Allow app to request tracking” setting, the slider will turn green, not grey. ..

The apps that have already asked for permission and indicate if you’ve granted it are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

If you choose to allow the app to track, it will not track anything else on your device.

How to stop apps that ask you to allow tracking

You can stop tracking apps by turning the slider next to Allow apps to request tracking to gray.

In this screen, you can control how your data is tracked by Google. You can choose to have your data tracked anonymously, or track it with information about where you are located.

This time, turn the slider next to Allow apps to request tracking from gray to green.

Apple has announced a new feature in its iOS 11 software that will allow apps to request permission to track users’ movements, but will not allow them to do so if the app is not used frequently. This change is designed to protect users’ privacy and reduce the number of unnecessary tracking notifications. ..

Final note

How to ask iPhone and iPad Apps not to track around the web If you’re like most people, you probably use apps to do things like check email, make phone calls, or read news. But what about when you want to avoid tracking your movements on the web? That’s where asking apps to not track your activity comes in. There are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is probably through a settings app. But if that’s not possible or if you don’t want to open the settings app every time you want to change something, there are other ways too. One way is by using a browser extension. Another way is by using a privacy policy of an app. And finally, another way is by using a third-party tracking blocker like adblocker or uBlock Origin. So whether you’re looking for an easy way or something more complicated, it’s important that you figure out how to ask apps not to track around the web.