Fix ‘Windows 10 Installation Stuck During update’ Issue – Guide

Windows updates can sometimes fail, and you may not know it. This has been a common issue for Windows since Microsoft discontinued its quality assurance team and relied on users for preview releases, comments, and more.

Windows 10 has been struggling to install updates for some time now. Sometimes it will download them, but sometimes it won’t. And sometimes there are installation errors or data issues that prevent the update from being installed at all.

How to to fix a crashed Windows update

The latest updates for your app should be locked so that you can’t accidentally access them.

This is a question that has been asked by many people in the past, but never answered. Turns out, there is a reason why. When you turn your phone off and on again, it can drain your battery. This is because when your phone is turned off, it’s not using any of the battery power that’s built into it. It’s like you’re not even using it at all.

Windows Update is a utility that you can use to check for and install updates for your computer.

Microsoft’s troubleshooting program can help you fix problems with your computer.

To start Windows in Safe Mode, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Start button and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click System and Security.
  3. Under System and Security, click Restart.
  4. On the Advanced tab, select Safe Mode with Networking and then click OK. ..

System Restore can help you step back in time and restore your computer to a previous state. This can help you fix problems or recover data if something goes wrong. ..

Delete the Windows Update file cache to stop it from automatically downloading and installing updates.

Initiate a full virus scan of your computer to identify any potential threats.

Windows 10 is a great operating system, but it can be improved. A full reset will help to fix any issues that may have been caused by the operating system.

Make sure the updates are really locked

We’re going to cover a lot here about different versions of Windows and a variety of “hanging” scenarios, so you may need to tweak some of these steps to suit your situation and software. The first point is that tampering with updates that don’t really crash can cause a myriad of problems. Therefore, you must make sure that they actually crash.

If you have the time and patience, we recommend waiting a few hours, especially on slower machines. It may sound extreme, but you don’t want to interfere with these basic processes unless it’s really necessary. ..

turn off and on again

In most cases, this clears your computer’s temporary storage so that Windows can start up from scratch. However, there is a time-honored cliché for IT support because it works so often – there is no magic trick to doing this. It simply clears your computer’s temporary storage and lets Windows start everything on the system from scratch.

If your updates are not loading or crashing, try restarting your computer normally. If that doesn’t work, try a hard reset. Make sure your updates are definitely not advancing before doing either of these things. ..

Check Windows Update Utility

In Windows 10, you can find the Windows Update page by opening the Settings app from the Start menu and clicking Update & Security. If something is wrong and Windows knows what it is, the details should be found here. Sometimes you just get a message asking you to try to update again at another time.

If you’re having trouble installing or uninstalling updates on your Windows 10 computer, clicking “Advanced Options” and then “View Update History” can help you troubleshoot the issue. This is a helpful feature because it will show you which updates have been successfully installed and which ones have been uninstalled. The upgrade process has become much simpler in Windows 10, so you’re less likely to experience errors. ..

Run the Microsoft troubleshooting program

If you’re having problems with your Windows update process, Microsoft has a troubleshooting program specifically for this purpose – look for “Troubleshooting” in the old control panel and select “Problems with Windows.” Fix update from the list on the screen. ..

Microsoft’s latest update for Windows 7 and 8 is available now, but if you haven’t updated to it yet, it’s probably still worth it to do so. The update fixes some issues that have been reported and it also includes new features.

Start Windows in Safe Mode

Safe Mode is a reboot that includes some extra applications and code that Windows needs to run. If a rogue file tries to interfere with the update, Safe Mode can help protect your computer. To use Safe Mode, hold down the Shift key and choose Power On and Restart from the Windows login screen.

Windows Safe Mode is a way to troubleshoot and fix problems with your computer by running the update process again.

Step back in time with System Restore

In Windows 10, System Restore is a hidden feature that can be used to solve problems. To access it, go to Control Panel, System, System Protection and click System Restore. Then choose ‘Show more restore points’ to see all available options. ..

To get back to your Windows configuration at a specific point in time, choose the date and time below. Then complete the wizard to get back to how Windows was configured at that point (and hopefully resolve your upgrade issues at the same time). The process does not affect your personal files or programs, but it may not be available to you depending on how Windows was originally set up. ..

Delete the Windows Update file cache yourself, part 1

If the Windows troubleshooter doesn’t work, you can try running the same process manually: stop the Windows Update service, delete the temporary files it created, and restart Windows Update.

Start in Safe Mode and type “net stop wuauserv” and press Enter.

Delete the Windows Update file cache yourself, part 2

Delete everything in the C:WindowsSoftDistribution folder. This will remove any files that Windows creates to know where you belong, and Windows Update will create them from scratch.

After that, go back to the command prompt window and type “net start wuauserv” and then “net start bits” to get Windows Update and its associated background services up and running again. I hope that trick should be enough to start the update that was previously stuck. ..

Start a full virus scan

Windows updates can sometimes be blocked by viruses or spyware. If this is the case, the update will not install and you will need to remove the virus or spyware. ..

If you’re concerned about your computer’s security, it’s a good idea to run a full virus scan. This can help identify and remove any viruses that may be present on your computer. If you think your antivirus software may have been compromised, you can download some scanners on demand, like this one from Microsoft or this one from Dr. Web. ..

Perform a full Windows reset

If you’re having trouble restoring your Windows 10 computer to its factory state, there are a few easy steps you can take. First, make sure you have the latest Windows 10 update installed. Then, follow these steps to restore your computer:

  1. Boot your computer into “safe mode.” Safe mode will disable all of the features that are not necessary for restoring your computer to its factory state.
  2. Restore your operating system files from a backup. If you have a recent backup of your operating system files, you can restore them using the Windows 10 recovery tool or by using a third-party software program like System Restore or Time Machine.
  3. If you don’t have a recent backup of your operating system files, or if Safe Mode didn’t work for some reason, try to restore them from the original installation media (the DVD or CD that came with your computer). ..

Windows 8 offers a “upgrade” and “reset” option, while in Windows 7 the reset option is usually provided by the PC manufacturer.

Final note

Windows 10 Installation Stuck During update Issue If you have been having problems with your Windows 10 installation, then you may want to check out our guide on how to fix “Windows 10 Installation Stuck During update” Issue. In addition, if you have any other questions or concerns, then please feel free to reach out to us. Finally, please share this article with your friends and family so that they can get the same advice and help that we have provided.