Guide: Fix ‘Battery Icon Grayed Out in Windows 10’ Issue

If your laptop computer has a battery icon, it can be an essential tool to keep an eye on battery level and monitor power consumption. However, the icon can sometimes turn gray and become inactive.

  1. Make sure your laptop is properly plugged in
  2. Check the battery
  3. Check the screen and graphics
  4. Check the processor
  5. Check the memory

Restart your PC

But what if you can’t reboot your computer? What if it just won’t turn on at all? That’s where the troubleshooting methods listed below come in.

If your laptop’s battery is low, you may want to restart it before it dies. There are two ways to do this: by pressing the power button or by using the Windows key + R. ..

The other way is that

  1. You could try to reach out to the company directly and ask for a refund.
  2. You could also file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau or your state’s attorney general’s office.
  3. Alternatively, you could contact your credit card company and dispute the charge. ..

Computer restart and check if the battery icon is still gray. If it is, move on to the next solution.

Check for changes in hardware

  1. Open the Start screen and type “Device Manager.”
  2. The Device Manager window will open.
  3. In the Device Manager window, you’ll see a list of devices. You’ll see the battery icon in the top left corner of the device list. If your computer has recently changed its hardware configuration, you’ll see a gray battery icon in that corner. To check if everything is running smoothly, you can click on that gray battery icon and it will take you to a detailed description of what is happening with that device.

Check the drivers

To check if everything is okay with the drivers, you need the help of Device Manager. Let’s see how to turn them off and on again:

If the computer starts up but doesn’t show any notifications, try the next solution.

Update your PC’s BIOS

  1. Open the Start menu and type “bios” in the search bar.
  2. When you find the BIOS update tool, open it and click on the “Update BIOS” link.
  3. After you update your BIOS, your battery icon will be grayed out but you’ll still be able to use your computer.

Check the system files

  1. Open the Start menu and type “reboot”
  2. When the computer starts up, type “cmd” and hit enter
  3. Type “netstat -an” and hit enter
  4. Type “lspci -nnl” and hit enter
  5. Type “ipconfig -all” and hit enter
  6. Type “netstat -an | grep downcast” and hit enter
  7. Type “netstat -an | grep downcast | wc -l” and hit enter

If the battery icon is not active, the process may have failed.

Return power to the battery icon

If you’re experiencing a grayed-out battery icon on your laptop, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. If none of the methods below have worked, you may need to reinstall your system or stop it and take it to a repair shop. ..

Has the battery icon ever turned gray on your iPhone before? If so, what did you do to fix the problem? If we missed the fix that helped you, please share it in the comments below. ..

Fix ‘Battery Icon Grayed Out in Windows 10’ Issue: benefits


Final note

If you’re having trouble seeing the battery icon in Windows 10, there’s a quick and easy fix. ..

If you have any queries about the Fix “Battery Icon Grayed Out in Windows 10” Issue, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Our team is always happy to help you.